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Topic:appraisal help
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
idiveI need to locate someone in the Houston area that can appraise a Prowler for me for as little as possible, as soon as possible. Can ya help me out here? PM me with your phone number(s) please.
TLRandallMickey, if you find someone local and reasonable, let me know. I need to get it done on both for Allstate so I can get agreed value coverage with them.

I saw Auto Appraisal Group, Inc. listed in Crusin Times, but I have not had the time to try and call. The ad listed JR Wills, Certified Agent, 713-417-0224, 281-337-3620, 1-800-848-2886, www.autoappraisal.com

idiveThanks Tom. I ended up with Auto Appraisal Group yesterday. I also talked to AVR Group. Their local guy is JP. They want $250. He's giving me a ring this am. I don't really think AVR Group knows the car. From talking to them, all they do is look at the car, look at book value, and what others are selling for. But for this purpose, that should suffice.
When I get some time I will search for my info at home. When I bought my car, I was looking for an appraisal and ran across this guy that had Prowler #5. Sold it to Tim "the tool man" Taylor for "an amount he couldn't refuse." I think he said he charged $200 at that time. At least he knew the car.

I just talked to JP. He wasn't too familiar with the car and didn't know jack about the trailer. (A Prowler trailer? ) I'm thinking I need to keep looking. He may not be too helpful afterall.

Talking to AAG now. They want you to not only jump thru hoops, they will be throwing a 3 ring circus. They will have someone come out and INSPECT the car for you, and do a test drive, check under hood, take 2 or 3 dozen pics, etc. (You can't do without this service and just get an appraisal.) He then goes back to the office and types 10 pages of his findings up online, and puts the pics online. You then can go see it all online. Then he forwards the link to an appraiser somewhere remote, and the appraiser looks at the info and pics and appraises the vehicle from that. Then you get notified of what he comes up with and, I guess, get to print it from online. (So you have to have probably high speed internet to open a page with all those pics, and have access to a printer.) When all is said and done, they will be $660 to $680 richer. ($610-$630 for service, and $50 for a certificate of value.)

Both the inspector for AAG and the appraiser for AVR will go to where the vehicle is.

AVR Group (281) 914-9760 Danny Hudson
JP is the appraiser.

AAG (Auto Appraisal Group) 1-800-848-2886 9am-5pm EST

This message has been edited by idive on 05-09-2008 at 08:32 AM

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