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Topic:Your thoughts and prayers please,,
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ALLEY CATOur Christmas was saddened on Wednesday, December 24, with the news of one of our local Prowler members, Kathy Johnson of Phoenix, who had a massive heart attack, and seizures afterwards. Kathy is still hospitalized, with reduced brain activity, as I understand it.

Her companion, Art Pyska, and her daughter Cady, have decided to not let her continue in this condition, and have elected to let her go after the first of the year. Kathy's wishes are to donate her body parts to others, so they might live.

Art and Kathy became good friends of our local Arizona Prowler group the past two years, and this tragic episode
has left a dark shadow of sorrow on our Christmas this year.

Please join with our Arizona Prowler owners in extending your thoughts and prayers to Kathy, Art, and Cady.

Kathy, center, with Art to the left of her during the 2008 Prowlin Colorado National Prowler event.

As recently as December 7th, Kathy and Art attended the Arizona Toyz 4 Totz event with their Prowler.

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 12-26-2008 at 09:58 PM

ivegotsugarMy thoughts and prayers are with Kathy Johnsons family during this time of sorrow .However ,because of her generosity she has given the gift of life through her organs.Something we should all think about ...
1buddycWill include Kathy and her Family as well as Art in my prayers..
idiveMy most sincerest condolences go out to Art and Cady, their families, and friends. My wish for Kathy is that her organs help many. May they go to others rejection free. May God bless you Kathy.
onecatnodogI learned the bad news when calling all out of town numbers I had on my list from the Mile Hi Event wanting to wish every one a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and was taken by shock when I got the news from Art.. They made a great Prowler couple and she truly will be missed... Thoughts and prayers go out to their family circle from the Mile Hi Prowlers... John(onecatnodog)Collins
MIKE GATLINThat is a sad story and we are so sorry to hear it. Thanks for posting that Larry. We will keep the good thought for Art and Cady.

Mike and Karen

392HEMIOur thoughts and prayers are with her loved ones and family. Jim & Denise
galaxieBonnie & I will keep Kathy & her family in our prayers.
KlasKatWe shall put them on our prayer list. Such a difficult time for this. God Bless them.
TFischerHow truly sad for the family. They are in our thoughts and prayers. Tami and Ken
BeWareVery sad news, They are in out thoughts and prayers.

Rich & Linda

CJHow very, very tragic. Our thoughts and prayers are with Kathy, Art, Cady and their families during this most difficult time.

The gift of life through organ donation is the most wonderful thing you can do. If you haven't signed a donor card...do it.

CJ & Bob


Thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers for Kathy.
I received this updated information this evening from Art:


Prowl 36Extremely sad circumstances to endure through the holiday season. Our prayers will be for your family.
garysssVery sad news especially when it's not expected and at this time of year.
mr.edSorry to hear of her passing!!!
CJSo very sorry to hear of her passing.
TLRandallSuch sad news, the family is in our prayers
samthejeepman sad note to end 2008 on !
our prayers and good wishes go out to her, her friends and family


gadstervery sorry to hear about the tragic news. our thoughts go out to the entire family.
ntprowlOur deepest condolences to all of Kathy's family and many friends.
This is the time when fond memories are so deeply cherished and appreciated.

Bob and Linda Leonard

rcandyredWe are so sorry and deeply saddened , what a terrible loss this will be . I will pray for Kathy that she becomes at peace with the Lord .

Bob and Sandy Gould

WildBillMy deepest sympathy and condolences on the passing of Kathy. My thoughts and prayers are with Cady, Art & the rest of her family and friends.

Life is a precious gift which we all take for granted, to share - to Love - to give; and because of Kathy's generous gift, others will now live to share - to Love - to give. Bless you Kathy.


ROADKATI am so sorry to hear of Kathy's passing! My sincere Condolences to Art. I have enjoyed traveling with Kathy and Art to the Devil's Highway in Arizona and to the Denver Mile Hi Prowler gathering last Summer. Kathy will be missed!
cstallSleep Well Kathy...

This message has been edited by cstall on 12-30-2008 at 07:43 PM

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