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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Your opinion? Houston police on video,,,,,,,
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ALLEY CATWatch the video,,,,read the news media article,,and then add your opinion on the situation:



Add your input below. Justified? Horrible? Racial? Deterrent? Too much crime? Bush's fault?


fibertopobviously Bush's fault................lol.

Excessive use of force. Totally unjustified. The officers should be charged with assault.

In the end, when you choose a life of crime, you lose alot of sympathy from me. But I think mowing him down with the car, should have been sufficient to apprehend him. He was already face down and not moving.

dbudnerReally looked like way too much. I like how the advocate called drug dealer a "student".
Wayne FinchCriminals can't expect to be treated like princes.

This message has been edited by Wayne Finch on 02-05-2011 at 08:45 AM

alrtgPolice brutality in any circumstance is completely unacceptable including this instance.

I do understand that in some circumstances some force is required to subdue a suspect, but only to the point that it takes to get the job done.
Two officers at the most could have probably handled this situation without incident.

It would be my guess that the individuals involved were unaware of the camera's and may have thought it would be the victim's word against theirs. I would guess that had they know absolutely that they were being taped, this situation would have been handled much differently.

While I feel that people guilty of selling drugs deserve no respect, they are still human beings and as much as I don't like it have their rights.
What ever happened to innocent until PROVEN guilty? It seems that these days we are automatically guilty, then it is our job to prove ourselves innocent.

I would like to believe that all Police officers hold themselves to a higher standard and are always above board and honest to a fault, but we all know this is not the case.

It is a shame these things happen. I think we need to be made aware but, the media does not need to sensationalize and drag out these things. Just report the incident happened, provide the facts without commentary, then report the outcome and no speculation in between.

This is my opinion and I am aware many out there will not agree but are entitled to opinions of their own.

ALLEY CATquote: "This is my opinion and I am aware many out there will not agree but are entitled to opinions of their own."

That is why I posted this,,,for opinions. No right or wrong ones,,,,just opinions.

HawaiianBoth parties broke the law, both should face consequences.
idiveI didn't click on the links but I think I know what this one is about. I don't know how in depth they went but the media DID try to report on it when it happened but the police kept fighting the release of the video for obvious reasons. Some of the officers were fired, some were suspended. Some of them are facing charges, which we all know will not result in any jail time. Not all of them faced reprocussions. Some of the fired are seeking their job back. IMO, they all should have been fired on the spot, arrested on the spot, and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
TLRandallFrom the looks of the video alone, as a supervisor, I would bet that they could not convince me that their actions were justified.

From what I understand, this video lead to 4 officers being charged criminally, 7 being fired and 12 being disciplined. Only one was reinstated.

That is why all of our patrol cars have digital video and audio systems that upload automatically and cannot be deleted from the cars. It protects our deputies and the public when there is any complaint, plus we use the video in our criminal cases. In all the years we have had the systems, we have never had to use the video against a deputy for an abuse allegation.

We have several Houston Police Officers that are Prowler Owners and post on this site, and many who are family members on here. Just like any profession, Doctors, Teachers, Athletes, etc, you will have bad apples that tarnish the name of them all. I know a lot of HPD Officers and know hard hard it is for them to overcome the stigma caused by the actions of these few. HPD has far more great, dedicated and honest officers than these that don't share our values.

For every 100 applicants, we may interview only 3 or 4, the quality of people wanting to do this job is far more limited nowdays. We had one jailer applicant who recently showed that she had 2 years prison experience. You guessed it, she was an inmate serving a sentence and wanted to file a complaint against us for rejecting her application! She said we were not specific enough on what type of experience was required for the job and that her 2 years in a "correctional setting" was adequate experience for the position.

This message has been edited by TLRandall on 02-06-2011 at 12:07 AM

fibertopThere is no justification for this or logic. But I would bet those same cops would rescue this same guy from danger in different circumstances. There is a different mentality when fighting crime.

Here is a Toronto Cop, one minute rescuing a guy from a flood and the next minute working the G20 protest.

KlasKatI will agree with everyone here that the police went way overboard they did and that this is not what they are trained to do. Those that were suspended or fired should know better, HOWEVER--- looking at it from the other side I am sooooooooooooo tired of seeing these criminals who probably have a 10 page rap sheet continually disregard what the police tell them to do. We do not see the beginning of this to see how this drug dealer ignored the police commands to stop and put your hands behind his back. There was probably a big chase where many people were put in danger judging by the number of police at the end of the tape that show up.
The complete disrespect for law and order in this country has to stop and therefore I wish the police would use more pepper spray and stun guns, enough is enough.
attyedhallthe video will likely be a very usefull exhibit in a civil action against the cops.

most cops are professional, but there are just way too many who feel they can do whatever they want and have no compunction in using too much force simply because they think they can.

common misconception is that you have to do whatever a copy tells you to. while you do have to obey any lawfull order, the courts have been very tough on cops who use force for failure to follow an unlawfull order. its a fact sensitive situation, but cops do not have unilateral authority in a typical traffic stop situation.

the cops in this first video should do time...

This message has been edited by attyedhall on 02-06-2011 at 04:34 PM

ALLEY CATquote: "cops do not have unilateral authority in a typical traffic stop situation"

Ed,,can you explain further about this?

ivegotsugarI usually I don't weigh in on "Hot Topics",however I needed to fill in the missing pieces here .
(1) There was a court order to keep this video from being aired.It was decided that it would be prejudice for a jury,that would be sitting on the "Burglary Case ".It could sway the opinion of the jurors .
Q X decided to share this video to one of our local News stations. Lets see if he is charged with going against a court order...
(2) This incident was the result of a task force surveillance of a Burglary Ring ,(Gang of Thugs)who had been burglarizing residence ,and in some cases "Allegedly" assaulting homeowners that walked in on them .
(3) "Student" (1 of several suspects) was fleeing from Police after the suspects were caught red handed burglarizing a residence. "Student" was trying to run next to a fence but falling to the ground as he tries to "jump" over the fender of a police vehicle,that was clearly cutting him off,(which is a maneuver commonly used by many police agencies).
Now Q. X.(alleged "former" drug dealer,now community leader) states that he viewed the officers "Throwing" the "Student"to the ground . I don't know about you ,but what I viewed on this video was the "Student" FALLING to the ground .( Q.X. , it didn't happen the way you said it did )
(4) The Officers that participated in the "Kicking & Punching " , did exceed the methods of subduing a suspect,and for this the Officers have been indicted and charged with "Official Oppression". This charge is a misdemeanor .So you asked, why not charge them with assault? It wouldn't make a difference ,because that too is a misdemeanor .
Under Texas Law , in order to be a felony , an assault , must be "aggravated", which requires "injury that creates a substantial risk of death or that causes death, serious permanent disfigurement. or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ." Fortunately "Student" wasn't injured that badly .
(5) I didn't see any "High Fives",and if there was, it's because of the long investigation that was spent trying to apprehend these "Students" ( THUGS) ,That terrorized this predominantly black neighborhood .You see most of the burglaries were black on black crimes,perhaps this may be another reason why there wasn't much of an outcry as Q X would have liked ...

This message has been edited by ivegotsugar on 02-06-2011 at 11:58 PM

Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
quote: [B]"cops do not have unilateral authority in a typical traffic stop situation"

Ed,,can you explain further about this?[/B]

as i said, it is a fact sensitive situation but consider a normal traffic stop.

driver exits the vehicle to get his wallet out. the cop orders him to get back in the car. the driver says he is only trying to get his wallet out of his back pocket and feels safer standing outside the vehicle. the cop screams and orders him back in the vehicle. the driver says he will stand wherever the cop wants him to but is more comfortable outside the vehicle.

the cop arrest him for disorderly conduct.

the case was thrown out as the order to sit in the car was not deemed lawfull under those circumstances. the court held that in a typical traffic stop, a driver who is not under arrest may stand by his vehicle if he chooses to.

as i said though...it is fact sensitive. if the driver were to make some sort of threatening gesture...the whole situation would be different. also different states may have adopted different standards.

in this case, the drivers 7 year old was buckled up in a car seat and witnessed her father thrown on the hood of the car and arrested. the case is now being pursued in a civil action against the cop individually and the police department who apparantly condoned such actions.

i had a case once in which the driver was arrested for disorderly conduct because he told the cop it was none of his business as to where he was going. that arrest was similarly thrown out.

once again though...each case is fact sensitive. in general, you must obey any lawfull order of a cop in most any situation... and this is not legal advice...each state may have different standards accepted by the courts that may make something legal in one state to be illegal in another...

my only point was that cops do have the authority to control the situation, but absent any furtive gesture or threatening conduct, drivers also have some rights that cannot be over-ridden by a pissed off cop.

This message has been edited by attyedhall on 02-07-2011 at 08:11 PM

ALLEY CATThanks Ed,,much clearer now.

dbudnerThat's funny (really not I guess). I figured the was more to Q X than the video showed or told too.
idiveI once fertived a cop. Believe me, thats not something you want to do!
fibertopWhat's "fertived"?
attyedhallfurtive movement...

MA: "Fidgeting" can be furtive movement for RS
The trial court’s finding of furtive movement supporting reasonable suspicion was not clearly erroneous. Commonwealth v. Rivera, 76 Mass. App. Ct. 304, 921 N.E.2d 1008 (2010)*:

The defendant quarrels only with the judge's determination that his gestures were furtive, asserting that these movements were mere "fidgeting." "The phrase 'furtive gesture' appears in many decisions where the issue is whether a patfrisk or a search of a vehicle is justified. The gestures are interpreted by the police (and by the courts) as demonstrating the hiding of contraband or as threatening the officers' safety."

This message has been edited by attyedhall on 02-07-2011 at 08:10 PM

Tom SantellaIt sure looks like the officers went way to far with this guy,but I am of the position that these dirtbags loose some of their rights when they brutaly and dangerously put people in direct danger, with inexcusable violence or disregard for the publics saftey. High speed car chases and the like. Maybe that doesn't fit this particular case, but it does sometimes. I know that " loosing some of their rights" stuff is not PC to say , but , it's the way I feel sometimes .


Originally posted by Tom Santella:
It sure looks like the officers went way to far with this guy,but I am of the position that these dirtbags loose some of their rights when they brutaly and dangerously put people in direct danger, with inexcusable violence or disregard for the publics saftey. High speed car chases and the like. Maybe that doesn't fit this particular case, but it does sometimes. I know that " loosing some of their rights" stuff is not PC to say , but , it's the way I feel sometimes .

Tom, are speaking of the suspects or the cops in this case/ Just kidding.

I don't think we want any individual in any case at any time with the authority to decide which of our rights we are entitled to.

Tom SantellaMike ,you are right. I jst see that sometimes in the heat of a violent altercation, how things escalate without it being planned that way. I wouldn't want an officer deciding which rights I should have or shouldn't have. But I am not going to be involved in or instigating a violent altercation either.


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