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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:You're gonna do WHAT Mr President?????
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
bjprowlerToday, Trump said that he is considering INCREASING the tariffs on goods imported INTO THE UNITED STATES from Mexico in order to pay for his "beautiful" wall......

http://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/trump-just-proposed-a-60-billion-tax-hike-21463185 7.html

.....So.....When the Mexican fruits and vegetables, a handful of cars and trinkets etc sold to US consumers are taxed higher, do ya think that maybe those increased taxes are simply going to be built into higher prices paid by the US consumers????

Yeah, Don.....That ought to fix 'em!!!

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 01-26-2017 at 08:16 PM

Landscape DoctorNegotiating tactic,,,

Where do you think most of all the goods Meheco makes goes???? Do you see what is happening to the peso???? There economy is tanking.

They WILL pay for the wall.

silverkatYou are so correct L/D he just doesn't understand. It will never get to that point and President Trump knows it. We have a 60 billion dollar trade deficit w/Mexico and they are well aware of it. They know exactly where their bread is buttered and will never jeopardize that. Brilliant tactic by Trump who will have the Mexicans eating out of hands in no time. it's called "The Art Of The Deal". Pls explain this to our beloved uncle...
bjprowlerTrump's trade threats against Mexico also aren't good for U.S. workers, trade experts stress.

After all, 6 million U.S. jobs depend on trade with Mexico, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Disrupting trade with tariffs and new trade rules would risk U.S. and Mexican jobs, experts say.

And 40% of the parts in a typical Mexican import coming to the U.S. actually originate in America too. Supply chains running across Canada, the U.S. and Mexico tie workers' job fortunes together.

Plus, a weaker currency plays to Mexico's favor in some ways. It makes it easier for Mexico to sell its products to U.S. buyers because they become cheaper. To some extent a weak peso is an advantage while a strong U.S. dollar is a hurdle for U.S. companies that sell abroad because their products become more expensive for foreigners.

Mr "Know-It-All" King Trump needs to call a "time out" and cut out the executive authority BS until he's had time to consult with economic experts who better understand the global impact and consequences of "shooting from the hip"

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 01-26-2017 at 08:37 PM

Landscape DoctorUncle B,,,Uncle B.

Math 101,,,

Peso drops,,, goods are cheaper,,, charge a tarif,,, goods end up costing the same.

And guess what,,, Mexico just paid for the wall.

StingRayLD and SK .... hes a 70y/o coot who is angry with life .... arguing with that kind of mind is like, well ... expecting someone to pay you 3x for the same service or good - what kind of "crazy" does that?! Best to leave the crotchety individual to his booze and his rants .... life goes on.
RPLare you talking about the President?
Originally posted by RPL:
are you talking about the President?

Not sure who your message was directed at Bob, mine was directed at ole beeeeejaaaaaaay

bjprowlerSo, you've decided to turn a simple "conversation" about an a political opinion into ANOTHER personal attack?????

Do you think this crap is what POA people come to this site for?

As I stated some time ago......I believe that the reason activity on this POA website have declined SIGNIFICANTLY is because of the constant sniping, insulting and name calling that seems to make it's way into so many POA posts...This is a prime example.

People don't want to subject themselves to this constant BULL-SH!T and many simply opt to NOT POST AT ALL rather than have to deal with or read with, this kind of crap!

I enjoy good natured kidding as much as anyone but there is a limit to where you, I, or ANYONE should know the difference between joking and insulting others

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 01-28-2017 at 07:20 PM

silverkatUnfortunately BJ you have not practiced what you've preached. You have done your share of name calling, don't know who you think you are kidding w/this holier than thou rant. You are the most sarcastic SOB on this forum and you have ZERO sense of humor. You now only post to piss people off and you've admitted, as Beware pointed out, to posting remarks only to bait other people.

You've done nothing but post your hatred of Trump for 2 years now. We get it we know you hate Trump. Your predictions are always wrong and instead of admitting it you simply hide for a few days. Your Fake News about the Trump supporters harassing a Mooooslim girl turned out to be a big LIE and instead of correcting your insult you simply hid for a few days and then resumed your sarcastic baiting posts and your hatred for the 1st lady or the President.

You're one of the reasons people don't post and have you noticed you can't get along w/anyone in the political forum? So why don't you cut the crap. You're just an angry with life little man who subjects us all to your sarcastic nonsense and won't contribute 1 dime to this site, moocher.

Straighten up or ship out...

CJI don't read the Political forum much (and rarely reply on it), but we all have seen this behavior (even in other forums). I know that you don't care what I think but it might be easier, if you three don't like each other, to not bother to respond to anything any of you post. It really isn't necessary and would probably be more peaceful for everyone on POA. Ignore, ignore, ignore.
Originally posted by CJ:
I don't read the Political forum much (and rarely reply on it), but we all have seen this behavior (even in other forums). I know that you don't care what I think but it might be easier, if you three don't like each other, to not bother to respond to anything any of you post. It really isn't necessary and would probably be more peaceful for everyone on POA. Ignore, ignore, ignore.

I think we need a Religious Forum. We could separate it into major beliefs and then by groups in that belief. I'm sure that would be a great thing for all of us. I can't see anyone stepping on another ones belief.

How about Divorce or Abortion or Gay rights. I think we are all adults and could play well together.

Free speech is a right and a freedom and we should say what we like anywhere anytime . All this works out great until you get your teeth knocked out.

This message has been edited by Gort on 01-30-2017 at 11:29 AM

CJI totally understand free speech and opinions, but can't we be adults and not express things in such a mean, hateful way? Agree to disagree in a respectful manner. Otherwise, it's hypocritical.

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