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Topic:Woodward Dream Cruise 2006 - It's Over...
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
CJDream Cruise 2006 is just a memory now, but what great memories!!!

I'd like to thank all the owners who attended because without you, there would be no event. It was so great to see all of you again and spend time with you at the coolest cruise event ever...... I've read the posts and pms and emails and am very pleased that everyone had a great time. As an event planner, the goal is for everyone to enjoy themselves and from what I can tell, you all did! I'm tickled, also, that everyone seemed to enjoy the special "Prowler Cruisin Tunes for Woodward Dream Cruise 2006" that they received in their goodie bag.

It was a great week filled with lots of fun. John Davies arrived on Monday with Kathleen and we cruised each night even before the other owners arrrived. John drove his 1952 Plymouth Cranbrook all the way from California. I appreciate his efforts to come all the way for Dream Cruise!

Tuesday night I snuck out the California Kid Prowler on Woodward and we did some cruising with John and Kathleen.

Wednesday night was as busy as it is on the actual Dream Cruise day. Took out the Candy Cat that night (to give it equal time!!). Quite a few of the owners arrived on Wednesday.

Thursday we took a leisurely cruise on the back roads up to Port Huron and had lunch at the Thomas Edison Inn. It was a beautiful day......nice temps, blue sky and lots of sunshine. Some of us had dinner at Big Buck's Brewery and hit Woodward for more cruisin'!!

Friday started out at the Walter P. Chrysler Museum. We had about 30 Prowlers parked in the circle in front of the Museum. It caused quite a scene. Our local radio station, Magic 105.1, was broadcasting the Jim Harper Magic Morning Show live from the Museum. Jim Harper, one of the disc jockeys, did a live interview with me and I got to plug the POA!! We talked about the Prowlers, about the club and I mentioned the fact that one of our Owners drove his 52 Plymouth all the way from CA. I also told them about Kees purchasing his 2nd Prowler via the Netherlands, flying over to join us for the Dream Cruise. One of the questions he asked was...."So, after looking at all those cool cars out front, which color do the owners consider the best color!?" Of all the questions to ask........LOL! I responded that we ALL think we have the best color!!! They also had a continental breakfast for everyone and anyone who came could tour the Museum for free. I heard that the club spent quite a bit of money in the Gift store, too!!!

After the museum visit, we gathered back at the hotel to head for Kart2Kart for the 2nd Annual POA Grand Prix Championship. The championship was brought back to the USA due to the 1st place finish by Ray Szull! If Kees hadn't lost a tire on his kart, it might have gone to the Netherlands. A number of owners went to Pat and Dennis Pircer's house for relaxation and pizza! In the evening, it was back out on Woodward for the official kick-off for Dream Cruise.

Unfortunately, like last year, it rained on Saturday (Dream Cruise day), so I took out the Candy Cat instead. We headed out in full force down Woodward in the rain. We're no wimps!! We made a loop once as a group and after that, everyone did their own thing. We had our usual great parking area thanks to DaimlerChrysler and it did clear up in the afternoon. In the evening, we headed to The Aspen for an excellent dinner and lots of laughs! One of the waitresses was forced to wear a parrot hat (by none other than Ed W). She said she was going to ask for a raise!! The remainder of the evening was spent in the parking lot for most of the people, reminiscing about the weekend, visiting, laughing and saying their good-byes.

Sunday was departure day and several groups of people got together for breakfast before they left. We spent the day with John and Kathleen at a local car show - Baker's in Milford.

I hope that everyone will come back next year for the Prowler 10th Anniversary / 13th Annnual Woodward Dream Cruise event........See you then........if not before!!

A special thanks to my hubby, Bob (RPL) for all the help and support during the Dream Cruise........and for my awesome new cat!!

Please join me in a very special thanks to Joe Trotta of DaimlerChrysler who gave us the great parking on 13 Mile & Woodward again. We appreciate it, Joe, and your continued support of the Prowler and POA.

This message has been edited by CJ on 08-23-2006 at 07:33 AM

SuperDaveCJ and Bob: Thank you for taking the time necessary to make this event a success. The drive from Dallas was long but the 2,300 mile drive was more than worth it. It is obvious that you spent a lot of time coordinating this event, we are all grateful to you. Thank you for your efforts!

Today I recovered from the long trip home and am already looking forward to next year's event. I will be there rain or shine!


392HEMIWhat a wonderful trip back through nostalga and time. We put some 2,700 miles behind us and actually averaged 23.7 mpg for the trip but it was all worth it to pull out on Woodward Ave. on Friday afternoon and be overtaken by a loud blasting glass pack of a 52 Plymouth with California plates. The Davies car was a "Cherry" as we used to say. Thanks for everything and everyone for making it an experience of a lifetime. We will return!!!!

You've become a "Celeb" now, can I get an autograph...LOL

Glad you were able to give the POA site a plug, keep on Prowl'n...

Marty UsherCJ - You must like Black best since you now have 2 of them!
CJCarlos.......I'm not a celeb....POA is!!! The interview wasn't about me.......and I tried to keep it that way!! However, there was a lot of teasing about my necklace...

It was great PR for the Prowlers and the club. Hopefully, some of the listeners out there own Prowlers and they'll be able to find us now.

CJMarty...........well, Black AND Candy Red!!!

CJ - The One and Only
1999 Black - PPROWLR
2002 Deep Candy Red - CJPROWLN
2002 Black California Kid Prowler - CAL KID

The Prowler makes you smile. Why? Because it's focused. It has a plot, a reason for being, a passion. It evokes the hot rod. It evokes the American Dream. This car is the human psyche.

meancatCJ,Not to discredit the excellent job you did on the Woodward cruise,BUT I thought we had a TV,Radio celebrity?(Roman)


Top KatThanks CJ for another great year in Detroit. We certainly appreciate all of your efforts to ensure that we have a great time each year. Also thanks to everyone who attended for making my son ( Randy) feel welcome and a part of the group. He had a great time and plans to return again next year with his 27T roadster. This was my 4th year, and I will certainly be there as well..... it is an annual event for me.

All bumpers removed, TGF Front Bumper Covers,Real Rod Roll Pan, Pearl Flames, TGF Hardtop, Polished & Chrome front suspension, under hood chrome accessories, Lambo Doors,

jd2ksilverA big Thank you to both CJ and Bob. Your hospitality was awesome once again. Was great to see both of you, and to spend some quiet times also.

Next year,, who knows,,

jd2ksilverBTW, nice pic of my car, thanks,,
MIKE GATLINJohn, glad you guys made it back. Great to see you again.

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