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Topic:Wonder if this comes with a microscope...
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
wuzzzer http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=20158&item=7316353897&rd=1

pumpkinDarn, I really thought it woud be a lot more. Only a 1'000.., they all must be short.

This message has been edited by pumpkin on 04-21-2005 at 06:58 PM

BuckNekkidI have one of those. Couldn't resist it when I saw it. Bought one for me and one for a friend with a Prowler. It's actually pretty cool - and a magnifying glass works just fine

Originally posted by BuckNekkid:
I have one of those. Couldn't resist it when I saw it. Bought one for me and one for a friend with a Prowler. It's actually pretty cool - and a magnifying glass works just fine

Thus the name BuckNekkid??

This message has been edited by wuzzzer on 04-21-2005 at 10:35 PM

SILVRKATI also could not resist buying one. But you get what you pay for! Pretty cheap copy on thin copy paper, really in my opinion not worth the $9.50 price plus $4.50 shipping.
What do you do with it? You WILL need a magnifying glass to see the (not naked)pin-up girls! I say save your money for something else.
dbudnerAhh, fine art for $9.95. Does the $15 dogs shooting pool rugs qualify as "master" pieces?
BuckNekkidSounds to me like you got a raw deal there my friend - a counterfeit as opposed to the real deal. I don't which one you bought, but mine's on nice photographic paper (I'd call it "frameworthy") and pretty much every one of the 1000+ girls in the pictures are completely naked. Or topless. Or bottomless. Point being there is lots and lots of nakedness.

Not that I looked of course. A friend of mine looked. And told me about it.

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