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Topic:Woke up the beast from its winter slumber
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Newark TowerHi All, I took my Prowler out of the Outdoor Carcoon last weekend. I already started my new project, replacing the Stereo head unit and all the speakers. The weather has been great the past couple of days and took the Prowler to work. I am interested in meeting other Prowler owners in the NJ area and get involved in a few Cruises. I hope to meet alot of you guys real soon.

This message has been edited by Newark Tower on 03-08-2012 at 09:00 PM

Mr.McgooYou have no idea what your in store for when you head out with some of the east coast posse crew, miss them all well most there is always Gene! Lol
EssexExportWe should meet up sometime soon with some better weather. Had 14 Kats at the Orchard Beach show last year & the Statue of Liberty cruise was great.

alrtgI took mine out for a spin yesterday. It was warm enough to put the top down but way to windy so it stayed up.

It was nice to put a big ole grin on my face again.

Looking forward to some activity in the coming month's.

lionbergerHad mine out a couple of weeks ago for a limited ride. Took it out today for good. Awesome.


WINDY CITY PROWLERI had mine out all winter best winter here in Chi town also first time in 9 years that i didn't have to put the prowler away for the winter.
padrooMine has been in the garage all winter, it's almost time to put that big smile back on my face!

Last year my wife and I were riding along and she said. "This thing rides like sh**", then a short pause and a smile "but we look good".

ed monahanI was going to take the Candy out today and the battery was dead. It is still the original battery so it is 10 years old. I put the charge on it and it started, will check it tomorrow. The battery may need to be put to sleep permanently.
Originally posted by ed monahan:
I was going to take the Candy out today and the battery was dead. It is still the original battery so it is 10 years old. I put the charge on it and it started, will check it tomorrow. The battery may need to be put to sleep permanently.

Battery Killer!!!

Originally posted by garysss:
Battery Killer!!!

Not so Gary... Ed runs all of his OEM batteries nearly 10 years,,and then exchanges them for one of those $19.95 reconditioned batteries.. Recycle/Reincarnation is his middle name.

PS > bring your jumper cables to 'Vegas,,,Monahan might need a jump!

ed monahanI just replaced a battery in the Rune. $ 85 for a m/c battery. Top of the line, can't leak, etc. I hope I can find one cheaper than that for the Candy, if it is dead.
ALLEY CATI know you can get another 30 months out of your tired Candy battery:

How to Regenerate a Lead Acid Battery


JeraneWI am still running with my original battery, so is this a hint, Ed? I use my kat year round except for a short time when I go to Florida. Battery tender keeps it charged.
ed monahanI used the jumper cables from my pace maker and it fired right up. lol

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