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Forum:General Prowler Discussion
Topic:Wisconsin & Illinois Owners Please Read!!!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
SnomanThe year is almost over and we have not seen alot of you!
If you need drivers for your Cats I can find some!
Gets those cars out and enjoy the day with some of the best people I know!


lawndogSnoman- what happened to:

Why not move it back a week or two into june and go weekend to weekend?Something like June 14th to the 20th,4th of july is a BIG week for alot of us and I for one will not be able to make it if its on or near 4th at all!
"I would try hard to stay away from holidays of any kind!(JMO)"

onecatnodogHay Sno: I know how bad you want a 20 car turn out at any event and is something that I would love to have also. If there was anyway that I could attend I would..... Come on guys it's like Make a Wish, help the man out... 20 cars please... Thanks onecatnodog See you Sept. 8th and 9th Sno
SnomanGrant,,,,,,NOT MY EVENT! Just helping out a friend!

John,,,,,,,Not mine this time just trying to wake people up!

Originally posted by Snoman:
Grant,,,,,,NOT MY EVENT! Just helping out a friend!

John,,,,,,,Not mine this time just trying to wake people up!

and I do appreciate it!

I am trying to reach Toms 20 cat event..that is why I will let Tom buy for everyone if we get 20 Prowlers there...he evan mentioned he will pay to have cars shipped in for the event.

Tom that is just great of you!

KATBIRD http://www.reliable-carriers.com/

this is who tom uses to ship cars into his events

magnummrkI thought Tom would just drive the company truck to pick cars up. I found this picture of Tom picking up a car.

This message has been edited by magnummrk on 08-29-2007 at 01:15 PM


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