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Topic:Windshield Wipers
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
derosajIf I decide to remove my wipers does any one know if there is a cap that some one makes to put over the nut or has any good ideas to make it look clean? Thanks for any suggestions.
mike82derosaj,i picked up a pair of bypass caps,got them at pepboys.they are black rubber,3/4"tall,shaped like a thimble.HELP is the brand name,#02254 on the package.i like the black because it blends in.got this idea from Alley Cat, i think there is a $10.00 user fee.lol.
Originally posted by mike82:
I got this idea from Alley Cat, I think there is a $10.00 user fee.

AeroSol - Mike is correct,,,the bypass caps work fine and are pretty cheap. Lucky for you,,,,,,I've been in a good mood lately, so I've temporarily suspended my normal $10 user fee for the use of that idea

tangled up in BLUE
Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
I've been in a good mood lately,

his shipment of Viagra finally arrived....the pills were too large to clear customs

Fat PatA/C...maybe you had better check with Ed before you swallow any of those!!
Originally posted by mike82:
derosaj,i picked up a pair of bypass caps,got them at pepboys.they are black rubber,3/4"tall,shaped like a thimble.HELP is the brand name,#02254 on the package.i like the black because it blends in.got this idea from Alley Cat, i think there is a $10.00 user fee.lol.

Photos of Bypass Caps:

Marty UsherI stole the rubber pieces off the legs of a folding chair to use as caps.
Originally posted by Fat Pat:
A/C...maybe you had better check with Ed before you swallow any of those!!

I did,,,Ed said they worked fine. Instead of driving,,,Ed pole-vaulted his way to the golf course yesterday
Guess he didn't read the WARNING about the six hour possibility,,,,,or didn't believe it


This message has been edited by pumpkin on 06-23-2005 at 09:35 AM

FL PhilScott Curtis has a kit that holds the wipers along with the caps. Don't know the cost but send him an email.

This message has been edited by CA Phil on 06-23-2005 at 12:50 PM

obi-wanThinks Phil for the post above. I have been making a kit for over a year now. There is a carrying case that hold both wiper arms, each in there own sheath. There's a special made t-handle socket with a magnet in it to hold and turn the nut on and off while holding it so you can't loose it and it fits inside it's own sheath too. There's a pouch for holding the nuts and their covers while the wipers are off the car. The covers are a soft black vinyal that cover the post and the squirter. The bottom of the covers bell out so they slip inside the large holes in the windshield plenum. There's even a short instruction list in the inside flap of the cover for the case just in case you forget how it all works. The case easily stores behind the drivers seat or in the trunk. It really protects the wipers and holds everything ready in one place all the time. The price is 100.oo inc. shipping in the US. If you want one of these just send the check to:
Scott Curtis(make ck. to me)
755 Vista Grande Ave.
Los Altos, ca. 94024
Phone: 650-967-3609 Phone me for questions-leave a message if I'm not here and I'll get back to you a.s.a.p.
NOTE: I do not sell the covers for the posts separately-They are really trick!!! Hope I helped, Obi-Wan
tangled up in BLUE
Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
Instead of driving,,,Ed pole-vaulted his way to the golf course yesterday

...I heard when he pole vaulted to the golf course, he couldn't clear the parking blocks near the clubhouse

condorProwlers are looking a lot smoother without wipers. The view is better too. I use rain-x freequently, no problem if I catch rain on the Highway . If needed, I can put the wipers on in 5 minutes. But, usually, I do not drive in the rain... so no wipers are cool.
Lone Ranger
You folks have me leaning more and more to this mod. I like the cap idea. Thanks.
derosajThanks to every one who sent me a reply. I appreciate all the help that I have received on this and other items. It's a great feeling to know every one helps. It's great to be a POA member. All I need now is a silver trailer????

Thanks Again Joe

This message has been edited by derosaj on 06-24-2005 at 09:42 PM

ALLEY CATJoe - no problem,,,,,,we are here to try to help each other. We learn as we go! Get rid of the wiper arms,,,,,while at it,,,,remove those nasty sun visors as well. That is why they make 'sun glasses'
Originally posted by tangled up in BLUE:
...I heard when he pole vaulted to the golf course, he couldn't clear the parking blocks near the clubhouse

tangled - I believe you are saying that Ed has a short putter? Sandy told you also?

Fat PatHey Ed...I think A/C has been looking again!! Kinda turn to the side when whizzing beside A/C!!
derosajVisors are off
Originally posted by derosaj:
Visors are off

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