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Topic:Window regulator replaced..Great Service
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
prowlrmanOnce again I have to commend Bill Zeman at Earnhardt Chrysler for the great service he has given me here in Phoenix. On Sunday Julie and I took the Prowler to her Mom's house. On the way there I heard a snap in the right door and then the rear edge of the door glass dropped about 3 inches. Dang...window regulator!! First one on my car (2001 Black Tie with 6,800 miles) Monday morning I called Bill at the dealer and told him what happened. He knows I have Chrysler care extended warranty. I figured he would want to see the car to be sure, but he told me right on the phone.."Window regulator...don't bother coming in..I'll order one right now".

45 minutes later he calls me back to tell me he already has one in stock and bring it in Tuesday morning. I dropped it at 7 am this morning, and he called me at 1 pm to tell me it is finished and to come get it cause he is nervous having everyone in the place looking at my car. He doesn't want anyone touching it!

Got there at 5 pm, paid my $100 warranty deductable on the repair which totaled $400 parts and labor...and off I drove a happy guy!

Hats off to Bill Zeman and I personally am very pleased with the service he has once again given me. All local Phoenix Prowler owners..give him a shout if you need something. Being in the car business myself for over 30 years...I can truly say that for me personally this WAS 5 STAR service

Black Tie 161Ooooooohh.... 5 star service...Professional dealer service.....what's it like?
idiveAfter I got home from our Christmas light cruise and put the windows up, I heard a loud pop when the passenger window reached the top. I'm thinking I busted that one, but the window seems to be going up and down ok, and without noise or vibration. I didn't check for any tilt to the window yet.
catfishidve keep an eye on it.it popped for a reason.may go out in the future.


ALLEY CATyes,,,these window regulators are crap! I've only had one break so far [knock on wood], but I know of many people who have had them break. Poor design, poor quality.

Hope Catfish can get them [the DC endor] to build a better one,,,or, they make another 10,000 run of those crappy, high dollar things! JMO

Black Tie 161They must get the same window regs as GM does....New GM cars are notorious for bad window regs since they switched to a new (cheaper) supplier.

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