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Topic:Window regulator help
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Tom MillsI am running into some of the guys that need regulators also need some of the plastic guide parts. Because their glass was in a bind for so long the plastic part on the guides broke. If any one has any old broken regulators that they have replaced and want to help out please get in touch with me.
Thanks, Tom
catfishtom,can you post photos of part you need.


Mr.McgooI will send you mine once I swap it out... Have to call tomorrow
Tom MillsWhat I am looking for are the broken regulators that were replaced with the factory regulators so the end guides and parts are included
Originally posted by Tom Mills:
What I am looking for are the broken regulators that were replaced with the factory regulators so the end guides and parts are included


good to see you got the parts in to build these.

Why don't you post a picture of the part needed, might clear up what you are wanting.

I have no idea what it looks like since I have not had to change mine, and someone might have a broken one laying around with the pieces you need and just don't know it.

Larry & Sue Mayes

enzvoyalso if you can make a list of people still on your waiting list for the new regulators, so we can see where on the list we are
thanks Enzo
WildCatTom sent the pictures to me. He was having trouble posting them

Here are what he sent

These are the parts that I am looking for and they are throwing them away when they replace with factory regulators. We re-use these parts when they install my regulators. And a few of the guys are finding the plastic parts on these rails are broken when they get their regulator out so they can’t use mine unless we can find some of these parts.

Good Luck guys

Once you get the needs taken care of remember I want a set for my car

Larry & Sue Mayes

Tom MillsI have only run into a couple of guys that had one or the other of these parts broken so I am just trying to be prepared. I have also developed a repair procedure for the rear guide parts and am working on manufacturing the part for the front guides. If anyone has a broken regulator laying around it may just help someone get there window working again.
let me know.

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