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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Willie Nelson's Statement
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Bob Miller
Willie Nelson's public statement regarding being caught with a bag of Marijuana earlier this week:

"It's a good thing I had a bag of Marijuana instead of a bag of spinach. I'd be dead by now."

bjprowlerBESIDES THAT.........

Spinach is hard to keep lit!!!!!



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"I may have to grow older, but I do not have to grow up!"

"The Prowler is not a car to go from Point A to Point B. The Prowler is the Point!"

prowlrmanWillie,,you da Man!!


ed monahan
Here is Willie back in the day along with his two dealer friends. lol

392HEMII thought Ed's first picture was Bill and Hillary before politic's and congressional pages.
Originally posted by 392HEMI:
I thought Ed's first picture was Bill and Hillary before politic's and congressional pages.

I believe it is.

ed monahanHe didn't inhale, though. lol
Bob MillerE-Coli tainted spinach has claimed it's first well known celebrity!



More 'Pumpkin' photos and Mod Stuff . . . . . . . Our other cars and stuff

"I may have to grow older, but I do not have to grow up!"

"The Prowler is not a car to go from Point A to Point B. The Prowler is the Point!"

MDProwler You know it had to happen! LOL

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