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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Will the Colts do it again??
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
mr.edI think they will go all the way!!!
Originally posted by mr.ed:
I think they will go all the way!!!

my guess ONE & DONE AGAIN

SuperKatI'd like to see them do it but all momentum was lost the last two weeks and then a week off.
I'm with Larry, one and done.
ALLEY CATIMO,,,,all the games this weekend are toss-ups.

May the best warriors WIN!!

Tom SantellaHeard it all week. Jets don't belong there, can't win in San Diego. Well, we'll see on Sunday. If the Ravens and Jets can win on the road, then AFC Championship will be in the Meadowlands ...as the last game ever before they tear it down. Then they find Jimmy Hoffa. Long shot, I know....but...........you never know.


ed monahanColts looked really tough in the second half.
The NFC game is a good game, finally.
Tom SantellaSecond half was like a different game. Oh well, Jets did more than was expected. Favre is getting tatooed.


Originally posted by Tom Santella:
Second half was like a different game. Oh well, Jets did more than was expected. Favre is getting tatooed.

Kind of shocked they did it

Guess they will be going to Miami for SB instead of several for PB

I would like to see Farve go too, but he is getting his OLD A** knocked down too much

ed monahanSaints win. The Vikings had waaaaay too many fumbles and then the one big interception. It got sloppy toward the end but at least it waa a close game.
jkburnsSadly, the Vikes deserved to lose that game. Too many turnovers. Poor showing by the offensive line. Not the way to end a great season, but.....


ed monahanI think the Vikings were the better team, but not tonight, for sure. I would think they would win at least 3 of 5 against the Saints.
But the Saints won the one that counted.
Bob MillerI gotta go with the Saints.

This message has been edited by Bob Miller on 01-25-2010 at 12:00 PM

Chi_Town_ProwlerPeyton and the Colts already have a ring. I would really like the Saints to win just to give something back to New Orleans. The people down there deserve it.
Tom Santella
Originally posted by Chi_Town_Prowler:
Peyton and the Colts already have a ring. I would really like the Saints to win just to give something back to New Orleans. The people down there deserve it.

I can second that!


ed monahanI just want to see a good game. VERY FEW Super Bowls have been exciting games. The lowly Bengals were in a couple of the better ones, losing both times. There have been a lot of boring games over the years..
WildCatNO MATTER who wins the real winners are the NFL and Miami for all the Money they will rack in after RAPING all the people.

They are both #1 in there division, it should be a good game.

Yeah the Colts have a ring, Saints don't, BIG DAM* DEAL, no one owes them anything, give the BEST TEAM that wins some respect. LOOK AT THE RECORDS, who has the better record over the past 10 years.

They built New Orleans below sea level, the flooding and hurricane, it is a shame that all those people lost their homes, livelyhood and even loss of life. BUT it was an act of GOD to an area that should NEVER have been used for permanate occupation. Just because it happen doesn't give them a RIGHT to win the SuperBowl.

Now back to the regulary scheduled program

I really don't give a damn who wins!

This message has been edited by WildCat on 01-28-2010 at 03:43 PM

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