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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Why Martin Luther King was a Republican
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
bjprowlerA really interesting article so loaded with documented facts that the resident"spin masters" will probably have little to say....


heynow14Shows how far the Republican party has fallen from it's original values. From championing freedom and civil rights for blacks, now they are enacting voter suppression laws to keep blacks from voting. It's so bad that the teaparty has essentially split from the republican party as well. Fact is they have no viable candidate for 2016. It's a political party in total disarray.

No spin here


bjprowlerInstead of casting aspersions against the Republican Party why don't you explain how the Democrats have improved the lives of black Americans over the past 60 years?

I'd also like to know specifically what laws the Republicans have enacted that "suppress" black Americans from voting......Are you claiming that on election day only minorities have to show ID in order to vote?

.....And just how did Republican voter suppression cause the Tea Party to come about?????

beachcatStarted reading the article and then a "get on the Ann Coulter newsletter list" pop-up appears LOL.

Didn't read another word knowing the one-sided BS that was to follow.

ALLEY CAT",,,pop-up appears"

Galaxie Mac,,,,,you better check out this link,,you haven't had a 'pop-up' in years!

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 08-23-2013 at 07:47 AM

Originally posted by beachcat:
Started reading the article and then a "get on the Ann Coulter newsletter list" pop-up appears LOL.

Didn't read another word knowing the one-sided BS that was to follow.

I'm not surprised......

beachcatBeats being a US know-nothing. But then, of course, you wouldn't know LOL.

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