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Topic:Who's Got a Prowler as a Daily Driver ??
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ShortOneProwlerWhen I buy one, it'll be my only car... I've seen pics and posts about driving them year round, and I know Marty Usher has lots of (s)miles on his. People told me I'd be nuts to drive my Vette daily, but it hasn't been a problem AT ALL. So the Prowler has a stiff ride and no trunk space, my car does too. Any words of wisdom to a person who will use it every day? Or should I buy a beater?

Future: Must... Buy... Prowler...
Current: 1996 Corvette LT4
Previous: 1994 Mitsubishi 3000GT, 1984 Porsche 944

BeWare It's all really a matter of personal choice. If it were me I would buy a beater.
johnny SHORTONEPROWLER, I've been driving mine every day to work for two year's now, and I've had no problems. But I also cover it every day.
tangled up in BLUE...You probably will want a beater of sorts for winter....I have had eight of these cars and have used many of them as daily drivers for nearly 5 years.....deep snow is a problem, but other than that they work.....storage is obviously minimal, but you get used to it....I always tell my wife not to buy anything in a square box when we are out in a Prowler, unless she wants to carry it home in her lap.....gas mileage and insurance are both reasonable compared to other cars....driveability is fine...just learn to put the drivers window down when getting in or out, makes it easier if you are old like me ....operation of all car functions are just like any other car...easy to use and live with....some cars tend to leak in the rain...I have yet to have one leak more than a few drops...but hey, it's a convertable....I am pretty easy to please and overlook things that probably drive others nuts, so I find no major fault with the car and really enjoy driving it more than any other car I own.....could have been a little more horsepower, but it was never designed to be a Viper, it was designed to look KOOL in while driving with a big smile on your face....get one ASAP, and drive it every day.....have fun....
ps...welcome aboard and post often !!!
Racer XI have been driving my Kat every day for 5 months now... My Mustang has been in the shop for a new motor (600+hp!!) and the Kat has been it. Now I live in FL so there are no snow issues. But we do get some serious rain. In fact a month ago we had a week where it hailed 3 times! My Kat is always under a car cover at work. It can be a pain to put on and off, but it is worth it to me. I plan on keeping my Kat for many years to come. The trunk is small, but once you get used to it you get a feel for what works and what doesnt. It's bigger then you 1st think... But still not big enough.
I enjoy driving the Prowler every day. It puts a smile on my face every day that might not have been there otherwise. BUT... once the Mustang is done... I will split them 50/50. As for our other cars... my girlfriend drives the T/A everyday. The truck we use when we are together with the dogs and or traveling. I would say you could use it as your only car.... but a beater might come in handy! Goodluck though...

****Formerly C5 Frank****
01' Plymouth Prowler(Cool,Cool,Cool)

94' Mustang Cobra(Power Trip)
Supercharger, Heads, Cam ect.
484rwhp SAE...soon to be more.

00' Trans Am WS6 Ram Air
Blk on BLk...One mean looking car.

02' Excursion 4x2 Diesel(Our Beast!)
All Black... no chrome!

Richard JacksonIf you are plus or minus a few years of age 30, then you will probably want to drive it every day. If you have been there and done that with a bunch of neat, must have cars over the years, and are plus or minus 5 years of age 50, then driving a beater is the only way. Every neat, cool, must have car that I have ever had, I tired of in 6 months except for the Prowler. Just my 2 cents.

I drive the beater to the grocery and the fat lady dings it...so what, the Prowler is in the garage until it is nice weather and I am off!


Black Tie 161Every day since I bought it 9 months ago! No beater car as a back up. Livin on the edge! No guts no glory...etc. etc.

I say go for it and don't look back.

"Life's too short to drive a boring car."

OK now advice....I would not have bought the car if I didn't have these 3 things.

1) A garage
2) safe visible parking at work....Looking out at my car right now..
3) Don't live in the city...CapitalCat is brave in my book!


superdopplerI drive mine everyday. I could care less about the miles or wear and tear on the car. I love driving it and if something happens to it, oh well. It's only a car and there's plenty more to choose from if this one gets messed up.

Eddie PowellIf you are a contractor,professional golfer,electrician,roofer ----well you know what I mean!!!!!
Blue KatIf you get a Prowler, buy a Weekender from Real Rod. It makes the car a lot more user friendly, especially if it is your only ride!
ShortOneProwlerThanks for all the replies, everyone! I think I can brave ONE more winter up here in the great white north... of Ohio . After that, I plan on moving south to Texas. Looks like a Weekender for practicality and a buddy's car for those snow days, maybe 7-10 per year, might be in order. Oh, and washing it every day in the winter (as if that would be a change from the summer washing schedule )

Future: Must... Buy... Prowler...
Current: 1996 Corvette LT4
Previous: 1994 Mitsubishi 3000GT, 1984 Porsche 944

Marty UsherMy Prowler IS my beater. Driven daily and wouldn't have it any other way. I've been driving borrowed cars and reantals for six weeks and I will NEVER own and drive a beater as a daily driver. It is boring! I miss my kat.
tomdenise1Just one thought about your note....

There is no comparison to the trunk space in a Vette and a Prowler. Vettes look like Suburbans in comparison (of course depending on the year). My mom just drove her Vette (98 Pace Car) from DE to my house in TX with luggage for a week and gifts for her new grandchildren in the trunk. I had to unbox my mudflaps to fit them in the "rear space" of the Prowler.

Weekender is a must is you want to carry anything, especially if you have a passenger.



1999 Black w/NeoBlue Streetglow Gold Series
2001 PT Cruiser - Heavily modified
1997 Jeep Cherokee Sport - Hauler for the twins - Tom V and Ainsley - born 3-17-03!

ShortOneProwlerMarty, I feel the same way about my Vette. It was in the shop and I had to borrow a MINIVAN for a week (cringe ). I love driving something different than everyone else.
Yep, my Vette does look like a Suburban in comparison. I got to look at a Prowler at a dealership here (first time really surveying everything), and there is NO room back there. Oh well, I think the Weekender looks cool <-- Going to be first purchase.

Future: Must... Buy... Prowler...
Current: 1996 Corvette LT4
Previous: 1994 Mitsubishi 3000GT, 1984 Porsche 944

CapitalCatI'll take that title, BT161 (or Stupidist). Just can't live without the Kat.

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