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Topic:Where did all the prowlers go?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ProwlerGTSI know it's getting colder and we all hate winter but I saw all of 4 prowlers over the summer. I used to see alot and then all of a sudden I rarely see any at all.


GenoTexshoulda been at Woodward
392HEMIOh yea, Woodward was a real blast and according to the picture in the parking lot there were 180 of us there. What a shame we apparently can't get a copy.
DON WIEBERnow don't lump us all together. in the summer i like to ride the yellow cat and 61 plymouth convt. in the winter i like to ride the yellow ski-doos. my grandson said that grandpa has all but 2 convts. the cat-61 ply- jd lawn tractor- farmall super c and the 2 snowmobiles. i never thought of it that way. non-convts-07 avalanche- 91 roadmaster
IM IN XTCwere you at Tulsa????
onecatnodogI was at Tulsa and the Colorado Prowlers had a BLAST... onecatnodog
condorThe US Dollar is very cheap at the moment. I saw lots of Classic Cars, Muscles, Hot Rods, and, yes Prowlers & SSRīs too,leaving the USA via LongBeach, CA and FTL/Miami Port.
The shipping companies are very bussy at the moment.
DON WIEBERyes i was in tulsa. had a great time. met some great cat owners also.
ProwlerGTSI wish I was able to be sent out all over the place. Viper and Ferrari clubs where never as successful as I hoped I would be. So since then I joined with the LX cars and have been doing photography work with them locally. I just haven't had the luck I was hoping for and I've never been out west as far a Pennsylvania. I want to go to Woodward but after hearing how the cops where up there kinda makes Woodward less exciting. I wanted to go to the Dragon too but that's just gotten dull with all the police there. I attend one prowler event a year but I've seen two black, a silver, and a orange over the summer.


ed monahanThe cops did not ruin Woodward or the Dragon. Why let others dictate your adventures !!!
Woodward was really great BUT there are getting to be way too many regular cars driving up and down on Fri & Sat. Eventually a lot of the hotrodders will not bother with it. You can't drive like a total idiot but the cops are not pulling over folks just to hassle them.
392HEMIWhat he said!!
MIKE GATLINRS, you want to see some Prowlers? They are all here, from a couple of this years great events.

Pay special attention to Tulsarama, 80+ cars, Prowlers on Woodward, 180 cars and the 10th Anniversary Celebration, no idea how many cars. When you have these dvds, Prowlers run all year long!


This message has been edited by MIKE GATLIN on 10-30-2007 at 04:23 PM

Northern Cat
Originally posted by ed monahan:
The cops did not ruin Woodward or the Dragon. Why let others dictate your adventures !!!
Woodward was really great BUT there are getting to be way too many regular cars driving up and down on Fri & Sat. Eventually a lot of the hotrodders will not bother with it. You can't drive like a total idiot but the cops are not pulling over folks just to hassle them.

Great reply Ed....my hope is that the Woodward Cruise Planners have seen that there are way too many Non-Cruisers where they shouldn't be....and the police would be a great help ,keeping them over in the right hand lane..LMO

Originally posted by ProwlerGTS:
I wish I was able to be sent out all over the place. Viper and Ferrari clubs where never as successful as I hoped I would be. So since then I joined with the LX cars and have been doing photography work with them locally. I just haven't had the luck I was hoping for and I've never been out west as far a Pennsylvania. I want to go to Woodward but after hearing how the cops where up there kinda makes Woodward less exciting. I wanted to go to the Dragon too but that's just gotten dull with all the police there. I attend one prowler event a year but I've seen two black, a silver, and a orange over the summer.


We crused all the way north to pontiac on woodward on sat nite and were amazed at all the burnout action the cops in plain site. So if thats what you mean by less exciting south down by 13 mile rd I agree, but from what I have seen in Pontiac you need to go there next year

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