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Topic:Where did CCJ go?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
beachcatLast I heard he had cut into his prowler's frame to make room for big tires.I wanted to hear more about this daring move.
Originally posted by beachcat:
Last I heard he had cut into his prowler's frame to make room for big tires.I wanted to hear more about this daring move.

He posted pictures on FB

Would like to see how it was reinforced with the corner cut out of the frame

enzvoyI think it's under the covers

ALLEY CATUnder construction.............I think CCJ is building a Prowler Amphicar,,,since his cat has already had initial swimming lessons?

His design is similar to the real thing:

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 12-13-2014 at 01:46 PM

beachcatPhase 1


Actually,,,,silverkat Dave did the cutting out of the rear quarters, for the tires/wheels to fit.....CCJ is handling the electronics, flotation devices, and the up-periscope install...

Its a joint project, I've been told. Should be ready by spring of 2015?

CCJI believe I'm the second person to have cut a frame on a Prowler on purpose.

This was done to fit the 405/25/24 rear tires & 24x15 wheels coming in phase 2 of this build.

This message has been edited by CCJ on 12-22-2014 at 09:29 AM

Marty UsherI grinded my frame down in that area to make room for larger tires but. Your new tires will be HUGE
Originally posted by Marty Usher:
I grinded my frame down in that area to make room for larger tires but. Your new tires will be HUGE

Yes, they will be wider then the ones on this prowler. Which, last I checked, is the biggest tire I've seen on a prowler.

phil2237You think the Prowler rode hard before, you may need 2 or 3 wonder bars now to keep it from bouncing all over the road.
ALLEY CATJay,,,,keep us updated weekly on the cat progress,,,you are tearing it up at a fast pace now

Also, keep us updated about Leslie.....have you told her yet that your six-shooter shoots blanks?

RPLDid they do what I think they did and cut the frame corner extrusion? Non-heated treated extrusions caused the original frame recall. Good luck with your project.
Efrem 72
Originally posted by RPL:
Did they do what I think they did and cut the frame corner extrusion? Non-heated treated extrusions caused the original frame recall. Good luck with your project.

Looks to be done correctly....is something wrong here ???

Originally posted by Efrem 72:

Looks to be done correctly....is something wrong here ???

No sir, nothing wrong here. It was done properly by an aluminum specialist. I've already taken the car over pot holes and bridge expansion joints to test it. The frame hasn't cracked yet but I'll be sure to let everyone know when it does that way you all can say I told you so. Until then enjoy your stock framed prowlers.

Efrem, I got your PM and will respond shortly with the info you requested...

Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
have you told her yet that your six-shooter shoots blanks?

I took your advice and just told her. She broke up with me.

Originally posted by RPL:
Did they do what I think they did and cut the frame corner extrusion? Non-heated treated extrusions caused the original frame recall. Good luck with your project.

Do you recall your comment on the vehicle that also cut it's frame to fit a larger tire?

Here's the link in case you forgot www.prowleronline.com/ubb/Forum9/HTML/003427.html

P.S. your rear lat links came in and they're beautiful. Thank you.

Efrem 72I didn't think so ccj that looks professional and perfect
Originally posted by CCJ:
I took your advice and just told her. She broke up with me.

Jay,,,I am truly sorry to hear that. Plenty of hotties out there, many who can't or don't want children.....

you'll score again, but keep the blowup doll on standby

Originally posted by Efrem 72:
I didn't think so ccj that looks professional and perfect

These were my thoughts as well.

Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
Jay,,,I am truly sorry to hear that. Plenty of hotties out there, many who can't or don't want children.....

you'll score again, but keep the blowup doll on standby

O yes. And of course God didn't grant me a functioning hand for nothing.

Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:

Was nice of her to take out the nipple rings for the picture and set them up there on the fridge, dude ...

Am sure she hasn't broken up with you yet ... ya still got $$$ to burn!

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