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Topic:When do you login
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
fixummJust woundring if when ya come here do you login right away or do you wait till you reply or make a new post. fixumm
butchceefixumm, unless you've deleted your cookies, I think you're automaticly loged on as soon as you enter the site.
If I've deleted my cookies, I wait until I have something to post or reply to before I sign on.
Dave MillsMy computer automatically logs me in. I keep my cookies set to do that.
ed monahanFixxum left his cookies out for Santa. Did he get anything good, that is the question!
Wayne FinchIf you aren't retired and have to work for a living, you likely sign in from multiple computers and that throws off the process. I never really sign in, just post
ed monahanWayne, when did you get a job??? lol
Nasty CatIm always loged in

This message has been edited by Nasty Cat on 01-12-2004 at 10:35 PM

Dave MillsEd: I'm surprised that you even recognize that word: j-o-b!
ed monahanDave, it is the short term memory that goes. Long term is still there. I can remember jokes from 45 years ago. I just can't remember any phone numbers, so I might be calling you by mistake. lol.
Wayne Finch
Originally posted by ed monahan:
Wayne, when did you get a job??? lol

Need to do something when it isn't golf & prowlin season

indy96I usually only log in when I reply or post, but I'm on the site a couple of times a week.
Dave MillsHey Ed, if you call again I hope you got my new cell phone number...if not you will be talking to Brenda 'cause she has my old one.
Wayne FinchI'm sure he'd rather talk to Brenda anyway!!!!

I don't think Ed has the new number, but everyone else in the free world does

ed monahanWayne, now I agree with you. I much rather talk to Brenda. She still has all her facilities, but she is mUCH younger than pops. lol
Dave MillsBrenda says thank you, ED
Gary CI log in every morning.
GenoTexI try to log OUT every day.... sometimes I make it .. sometimes I dont...

do they call that 'irregularity' and isnt there medication I can take?

Gary CWe are both sick people GT...
Originally posted by Gary C:
I log in every morning.

your logs are like the Titanic! Still using 1 ply tp?

Gary CShop vac and cardboard,,,gots lots of boxes after the move,
Marty UsherI've tried several times to "set cookies" and as soon as I turn off the computer and reboot, prowleronline does not recognoze the cookie. That means, in answer to fixxum's question, I show up as a "guest" until I post a reply.


Gary CHow do I reset my cookies? I keep losing my identity and showing up as "guest".
It would be a good idea to print this and keep it handy while doing the following. It is very important to follow the order here:

1) First go into your Internet browser and look to see if cookies are turned on. This setting is usually found under security. If cookies is turned off, then change it to accept cookies. It would also be a good idea to delete all temporary files in your browser. In IE Explorer, select tools from the top menu bar and then select internet options and delete all temporary files, including all offline content if this option appears and click OK.

2) If cookies are already turned on, then try this: Close any open page to ProwlerOnline. Now open your browser and remove your bookmarks (favorites) for ProwlerOnline and the discussion forum if you have set one there also. Now type in http://www.ProwlerOnline.com and set a new bookmark.

3) Go to the discussion forum, and select preferences in the upper right hand corner. Once in preferences, select delete all cookies set by this forum. It will ask you to confirm and say yes. Now, this is importanat, click on return to preferences, once you're back in preferences, select the "Default Topic View" set it to show 20, 30, or however many days you want the topics to continue to appear. Now, be sure to click on "Submit Preferences" at the bottom of the page.

4) Go ahead and do a NEW test post in the Test Post area of our site to set a new cookie (THIS IS VERY, VERY IMPORTANT and Please make sure you do a new post and not a reply post).

5) You should now be able to close your browser, restart it and re-enter ProwlerOnline and your name should then appear!

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