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Topic:Wheel Paint
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faddeoHas anyone tried that Killer Chrome Paint from Alsa Corp on the inside of the wheels? They claim it looks just as good as chrome. I was wondering how it holds up and how it looked. My wheel chrome is peeling, and I'm looking for a remedy.
catfishgo to there website-alsacorp.com and read about it.the old inside barrels would have to have the old chrome stripped off.killer chrome must go over a primered surface.jmo,theres no beating real chrome.


faddeoI realize nothing is better than real chrome, but I am trying to find an alternative for the time being. I wouldn't pay to have those wheels re-chromed. It would be cheaper to buy new wheels. I may give Killer Chrome a try. I was hoping someone already did try it.
bjprowlerIf you do use it be sure to report back about how it worked out......This probably needs to be in a different forum....
Tennessee CatWhen I first bought Bad Cat, sight unseen from Florida, I was dismayed to find bad corrosion on the inside barrels of each wheel.

I took all wheels off, masked off the center barrel portion and sanded all of the rough plating and edges off, making a smooth but roughen surface.

Then I spray painted that portion with a gray wheel paint. They are basically un-noticeable but even if you look hard to see them, they still look good. Good enough for First place trophys in several cars shows.

It has been almost 5 years on them with no peeling or flaking. Is it a perfect fix, heck no but for those of us without deep pockets, it is a great way to go.

jimsuttonI was makeing some Chrome Chip guard Prowler parts last week with the Killer Chrome kit . didn't work for me . looks more like silver than Chrome .. The Kit is not cheep did it by the directions ?? I did my wheels last year like Tennessee Cat did with his wheels ..
George JohnsonI am in the process of sanding the chrome off the inside barrels and polishing then spray them with clear coat. It looks almost as shiny as chrome with no peeling.
Hairarchitecti bought a pair of peelers and am having them powder coated ... pics to follow watch this space
Ken JozwiakSince we are on the chrome peel issue: 1)Will the heat of powder coating damage the rest of the chrome?, 2)Would a thin coat of the stuff used for truck bedlining work? The above questions assume the barrel area is ground clean of chrome.Also does anyone have along term follow-up(say 2 yrs.+)on the rechrome jobs the guy in CA is doing? Thanks for any and all comments.

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