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Topic:Wheel Center Cap Issue(s)
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
DlugiprowlerWell took "Sunshine" out and about(90 miles total). She needed a bath. I washed and waxed her and then went to dry the chrome wheels with the shammy. The front driver's one fell out fairly easy with me barely touching it. I had my wife look at it, because she is more mechanical then me. She said its broken. I called the parts department and they told me to use silicone to put it back on and that way it can still come off when needed. Thoughts, advice? I'm sure if one fell off, the others will follow shortly after. Any help is appreciated.
ALLEY CAT http://www.prowleronline.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/019895.html


DlugiprowlerThank you, off to Dennis they go. How do you remove the good ones? I don't have a manual and I don't know the proper way of removing them. Please advise. Thank you.
ALLEY CATSmall slot on each cap,,,look for it, but don't use a flat bladed screwdriver to remove them.

Look at the one that is already off,,,and you'll see where the slot is at.

Use thin,flat plastic piece, clothes pin, popsicle stick,,something like that to pop them off. Catch 'em as they pop out.

Look in the wife's kitchen gadget drawers,,,you'll find something to use, lol.

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 06-23-2011 at 10:24 AM

DlugiprowlerAnd when I get the fixed ones back, how do you put them back on? Do they snap?
ALLEY CATJust press into place...........don't use silicone!

Very easy,,,even a Caveman can do it

Mr. Monahan will explain when he wakes up today, lol

DlugiprowlerStupid question, is it okay to drive without the covers until I get them back?
ed monahanYou can drive without your center caps on the car. You can use a screwdriver to take them off but DON'T twist it and put a rag over the end of it. It is easier to use half of a clothes pin that has a spring on it. Remove the spring and use either half of the wooden part.
Send them directly to Dick Linneman. Don't worry about breaking the back part taking them off, just don't mess up the chrome front part taking them off. The repaired ones will just "snap' into place.
DlugiprowlerThank you Ed, seriously I would have been loss without you and the Prowler family.
bjprowlerDick Linneman's fix will make your center caps "better than new" and you will never have to worry about losing them due to falling off....I suggest you send him all four even if they have not yet begun to break....It's just a matter of time and you'll be shocked at what replacement caps will cost (if you can even find them)

Originally posted by Dlugiprowler:
Stupid question, is it okay to drive without the covers until I get them back?

Yes you can, but the prowler won't be as fast.

JeraneWThe "cave man" woke up (Ed) and gave you good advice. You will forever be indebted to him>
padrooMy prowler is going into the dealer for the ball joint recall, it will be interesting to see if they break one of the center caps. I have never had any of them off.
bjprowlerDo yourself a favor....CAREFULLY remove them before you take it in....
Originally posted by Dlugiprowler:
I had my wife look at it, because she is more mechanical then me...

...How do you remove the good ones?

Have your wife do it!

Sorry, couldn't resist...

Goop Of OilOriginally posted by Dlugiprowler:
Stupid question, is it okay to drive without the covers until I get them back?

Originally posted by Hawaiian:
Yes you can, but the prowler won't be as fast.

I disagree. Taking the caps off makes the Prowler Lighter and makes it go Faster. Growing up, anytime I drove a car without hub caps, I always felt like going Faster. It's dangerous.

For safety, I would make the time that the caps are getting done, the Only time that your Prowler is a Garage Queen.

This message has been edited by Goop Of Oil on 06-24-2011 at 01:50 AM

DlugiprowlerAs I'm getting the wheel covers removed I was wondering...

When you put the new and improved ones on they snap, but will they break if you have to remove them in the future? Any special way you got to remove the fixed ones once I receive them?I just want to make sure I'm preventing breakage after the Ed/Dennis fix.

ALLEY CAT"Ed/Dennis fix"

Who is Dennis?

You mean Dick? That'll be an extra charge now...

DlugiprowlerI'm like the bucket list, I call people by different names all the time. This is something that I'm working on...lol
Greg and VetaI am considering Fibertop's magnetic repair. Has anyone tried that?
ed monahanOnce Dick fixes them, they will come off much easier. You can simply rotate them in place on the rim and pull them off without using any "tools" of any kind.

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