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Topic:What do people think of your town?
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RPLTake a look at ours. Read the comments. Click on the ones that aren't on the first page.


ed monahanThat guy is one heck of a great writer.
What a great story. A little scary to think about.
ALLEY CATMany of the comments were disturbing to some degree, but this one tells a story that even hits home:

You are following Robert McNeils comments:

"Or maybe, it is example of what happens when liberal, corrupt, politicians are allowed to run a city for decades, unions drive the companies that they depend on out of business, workers refuse to do an honest days work, for an honest days pay, and many residents would rather get a government check, than get a job or start a business.

Sadly he is right, that Detroit is what the rest of America is becoming, but at this point I don't see a whole lot of hope for either of them."

tangled up in BLUE...we once had a Chrysler plant, Modernfold(built folding doors), Firestone,...Dana (Perfect Circle) was just 10 minutes down the road...Guide Lamp, Borg Warner were just 30 minutes away, Indy had a couple more Chrysler plants, Ford, Allisons...when you graduated from school you were pretty much guaranteed a good job, just a matter of where at

... New Castle is now a ghost of it's former days of glory...drugs, thefts, robberies, unemployment was 14% last time I looked...many don't want to work because they make as much staying home...being my home for most of my life, it really concerns me, but where do you go

...national unemployment rate edged back up to 7.9% this week

attyedhalli grew up in Gary Indiana..home to Bethleham steel...Inland, U.S. steel.....used to employ 45000 people. But decades of corruption, rediculous taxes and decay now leaves Gary as a ghost town. i remember my mom taking me on a bus to downtown Gary to watch the christmas parade. Gary now produces more steel than they did 40 years ago, but with less than 10,000 people. Consistently in the top 10 in murder rates.....some of my business clients there dont even bother calling the cops anymore....most of the time they wont show up anyway.

very very sad....

quote: ",,,, but where do you go?"

Safest states to live in:

1. New Hampshire

2. Maine

3. North Dakota

4. Vermont

5. South Dakota

6. Wyoming

7. Montana


9. Idaho

alrtgI have spent many years in the State of Confusion and have been quite oblivious there however I have been giving some thought to the State of Denial, maybe things would be better there.
Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:

quote: [B]",,,, but where do you go?"

Safest states to live in:

1. New Hampshire

2. Maine

3. North Dakota

4. Vermont

5. South Dakota

6. Wyoming

7. Montana


9. Idaho


Most of these states are cold weather states, to cold to commit crimes or murder.


Most of these states are cold weather states, to cold to commit crimes or murder.

What? They don't have food, money, anger issues during the winter months.... I could be wrong,,,but April, May, June, July, August, September, and October are very favorable months in regards to weather..

I'll get a follow-up report from Andria

CJThis article makes me mad just like many articles about the Prowler. These writers are only giving you one (their opinion) side of the story.

I think this article does a great disservice to Detroit. Detroit was once a great city. I was born in Detroit and we lived there until I was 6. As a child we spent a lot of time in Detroit enjoying the things it had to offer. Our schools took field trips to many different museums and venues. My grandparents and parents took us many times to Belle Isle, Detroit Zoo, etc. After high school graduation, I worked in downtown Detroit in a building right on the Detroit River. Bob and my first and second apartments were in Detroit.

Detroit has been hit hard by the automotive industry and industry in general. The riots in 67 did not help the situation. The biggest thing, in my opinion, that this article did not include was the extremely corrupt city government that was run by Mayor Coleman Young from 1974-1993. That continued, aided by former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick who is still under prosecution by the Federal government. They were the ones that really ruined Detroit by their greed and corruption. They did nothing for the citizens of Detroit except help bankrupt the city and create generational poverty. There were several other mayors who tried, but gave up due to the existing corruption that they could not overcome. The current Mayor Dave Bing has been trying. There are a lot of bad areas in Detroit, mostly poverty, but there are also areas, especially downtown, that are being revived and people are moving back.

You can't tell me that Detroit is the only city affected by crime. Driving back from a trip, we got lost in Chicago because of a detour and we ended up in a VERY bad part of town. It was scary and I'd drive through areas of Detroit long before I'd do that again in Chicago!

This message has been edited by CJ on 02-03-2013 at 10:08 AM

garyssslarry the months that are to cold bring the yearly total down for the year.LOL
ALLEY CATGary,,,could you provide facts to substantiate that claim?

Could you have possibly read that in the National Enquirer rag, subject to losing all of your established credibility here? lol,,

garysssI think I read it on the internet, so it has to be true. i don't let the facts get in the way of anything.
ed monahanFrom personal experience, I will attest to Gary the chicken man's claim. Felonious assault and murder are lower in cold months, higher in summer months. The exception is around the holidays, usually.
More folks are together in the warmer months, tempers flare in the heat, etc.
garysssThanks Ed. I know that was hard for you to back me up.LOL
ed monahanI am going to delete it shortly.
Originally posted by ed monahan:
I am going to delete it shortly.

padrooI live in Porter County Indiana and it is just East of Gary. The steel industry is setting records for steel production and use a lot less people. They use as much automation as they can. Some of it works and some does not. Maintenance people have to be highly specialized to work on some of this equipment and they have trouble finding qualified people to do the job. Even back when I was hired in 1975 they hired airplane mechanics to train as millwrights. Today most people can't pass the test. I don't blame them for getting the best qualified people because it is a good job with good pay and benefits.
Half of Detroit property owners don't pay taxes

News analysis finds $246.5M in taxes went unpaid last year

Detroit — Nearly half of the owners of Detroit's 305,000 properties failed to pay their tax bills last year, exacerbating a punishing cycle of declining revenues and diminished services for a city in a financial crisis, according to a Detroit News analysis of government records.

Appears they don't think much of their own town.....


attyedhallin lake county indiana....one out of every 14 properties is going up for tax sale in April.
ALLEY CATI was in down town Phoenix the other day and I saw a bumper sticker on a parked car that read,
"I miss Chicago"

So I broke the window, stole the radio, shot out two of the tires and left a note that read,
"I hope this helps"

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 02-26-2013 at 12:51 PM

ALLEY CATNew list is out,,,Michigan, Illinois, and California lead the way:

America's most miserable cities of 2013


CJA/C....DETROIT may be the most miserable CITY.....but not Michigan!!!
ALLEY CATI meant the 'most miserable cities' were located in those states...instead of listing each city separately.
I'm sure most understood where that was heading, and I wasn't picking on Detroit or any other city in particular...

The www.Forbes.com list shows the 20 'most miserable cities' but takes too long to load up..... It appeared that sagging property values, unemployment figures, and foreclosures, was what the article was pertaining to in their reasoning. California had several cities that are in, or have gone through, bankruptcy. I'm positive that nearly every state has some miserable cities/towns that could have made the list. This country is in bad shape, and doesn't seem to be getting any better.

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