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Topic:What about a kit that makes the doors open wider?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
georgieboyI read somewhere that there is a kit available that makes the doors open wider. Does anyone know about this kit? Can you give me any info? Geo.
nash2atlNot sure about a kit but there is a fairly simple mod you can do that allows the doors to open a little wider
VinceMI believe Obi-Wan made a kit but he has passed a way.
beachcatit's easily done with washers.
Originally posted by beachcat:
it's easily done with washers.

Easily? I have the spacers and understand what to do but it's in a very tight place. I'll do it sometime when I feel confident.

This message has been edited by Gort on 09-13-2013 at 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Gort:
Easily? I have the spacers and understand what to do but it's in a very tight place. I'll do it sometime when I feel confident.

Piece of cake Gort. It's a good idea to clamp the door check with a pair of needle nose vise grips to prevent it from retracting into the door once the bolts are removed. There is a lot of pressure on it and if it retracts, it's a B*^ch to get back out.

If using washers, use masking tape to tape a gang of 4 or 5 washers together. Tape the gang of washers to the end of a piece of stiff wire so you can lower them into place.

If you're using a kit spacer, you can remove one bolt and just loosen the other. Once you get one end of the spacer bolted in, you can then remove the other bolt and swing the other end of the spacer into place and bolt it.

It is tight in there! But one of the most rewarding mods to do.

This message has been edited by beachcat on 09-13-2013 at 05:25 PM

WildCatTom mills has aluminum spacers that fit like factory looking pieces
catfishthat mod was invented by catfish.thanks,this mod will give you another 7 to 8 inches of door opening.well worth it ,much easier to get in and out.


This message has been edited by catfish on 09-13-2013 at 07:06 PM

bjprowlerGeorgieboy....There have been 6 posts to your original question....Are you any closer to having an answer?

Come on, guys....If you can answer his question, do so....

beachcatI think wildcat answered his question. I was answering gort's. Then catfish claimed to have invented the washer
JeraneWDo a "search" door widening.
HamlynCheck with prowl97
catfishi guess beachy cant read to well.i invented the mod.put 6 small washers behind each dr ck. bolt and your set to go.prowl97 has nothing to do with this mod.


georgieboyOK guys, I have the answer and its a simple fix. Thanks, Georgieboy

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