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Topic:What Every Prowler Owner Needs
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
RPLI know that there's been very favorable comment regarding Mike and Karen Gatlin's new Woodward Dream Cruise video elsewhere but this one is a must for every Prowler owner.

- Ever wonder what POA has to offer? Watch the video and see all of the smiling faces.

- Even wonder about attending a regional or national POA event? Watch the video.

- Ever wonder who Ed Monahan is? Watch the video.

- Ever wonder what the heck is so special about the Woodward Dream Cruise? Watch the video.

- Ever wonder if you should join the crowd next year for the tenth anniversary celebration for Prowler to be held in conjunction with the Woodward Dream Cruise? Watch the video.

- Ever wonder about selling your Prowler? Watch the video.

- Ever wonder if its worth buying a car in another country and then traveling halfway around the world to drive it at a POA event? Watch the video.

The bottom line is that, whether or not you attended this year's Woodward Dream Cruise, if you own a Prowler or even hope to own a Prowler don't miss this video.

Mike and Karen Gatlin and Dan Pena have produced some very memorable videos of past POA events. Each new video reaches new heights. This particular one is over the top!

All that I can say after watching it, don't play it when you're distracted and don't think about blinking, you'll miss some of the subtle tricks Mike and Karen have incorporated.

And Mike, what's this "HEY BOB" stuff?

This message has been edited by RPL on 09-08-2006 at 10:03 AM

MIKE GATLINWithout "HEY BOB" you got nothin!
And I appreciate your description. That is everything we would hope everyone would take out of the Woodward DVD.
Thank you!
BeWareI ordered a video and we did not attend Woodward this year.
Can't wait till Pumpkin - check your mailbox!
MIKE GATLINPam, I have one set aside with your name on it. See you soon.
SERIBI have often wondered who Ed Monahan is...
ed monahanJohn, consider yourself lucky (that I keep avoiding you). lol
dpenaHey Bob,

Thank you for the kind words!

Mike Gatlin,

Received your DVD and viewed the whole thing uninterrupted and do agree with everyone, this one was very enjoyable to watch. I really enjoy your commentary. I wish you would do longer monologues because you sure have a great voice for documentaries.

I really enjoyed your license plate themes where you had the driving theater and went thru the various plates. Very nicely done.

Scenes I enjoyed.

1. Woodward DreamCruise Factoid
2. Go Cart Enthusiasts stuck on the track bumper fence
3. Your commentaries explaining the events as they happen
4. Jerry aka meancat laughing loop.
5. The low Prowler angle scenes

Thanks for keeping the enthusiasm going!

--> My Latest Dyno Video
(Prowlerexcitement.com DVD Video Vault- Get it Today!) by: Prowlerexcitement.com
(Watch Me Burn Rubber) (Need a Banner, get the Details) (Visit My other Sites)

dpenaForgot to add,

- Aflac Duck
- Canadian language translation
- Flat Tire repair
- Ed Monahan Great Cap Wedgy


This message has been edited by dpena on 09-10-2006 at 04:07 AM

MIKE GATLINThanks Dan. It is great fun making the DVD projects and trying to find new ways to showcase the event is always a challenge. Interestingly the drive in that is in the license plate montage was in Lead, SD. for those who were in Deadwood. No I wasn't there to take that pic. I was lucky to find some of the other elements that I supered on the screen to spiff up the segment.

There is no doubt in my mind that the Prowler is the sexiest car around and finding new shots is getting tough. I do think we found a couple good ones for Woodward.

Ed's "Great Cape Wedgey" will live forever. It made him what he is today!!

Glad you enjoy and thanks for your help developing the Paypal order page.

This message has been edited by MIKE GATLIN on 09-10-2006 at 08:22 AM

RPLDan, The foreign language translation was from Kees and Liddy Engels. They traveled all the way from Holland to participate.

Last year Kees road with Wild Bill at Dream Cruise. This year he planned ahead purchasing the orange Prowler which they drove. We just loaded the car Tuesday night for shipment to him in the Netherlands.

One funny moment last year was when Kees was walking around the hotel parking lot introducing himself to everyone. I told Peter Goertz that Kees was Dutch. Peter floored him when he responded to Kees' introducing in fluent Dutch. Its a small world. So if its a Canadian translation that you're looking for, you better find Peter or Tony Goertz to translate.

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