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Topic:Well its official I am now a true prowler owner
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
NIKKIWell it took me 5 years and 7,012 miles but I have now scraped the nose on a curb, I guess that makes it official..I am now a true prowler owner....just barely caught it but I think im gonna be sick!!!
ed monahanYou would be over it now if you drove it more, because it would have happened years ago.
Sorry to hear you wounded it. It does not get any easier on the 2nd or 3rd time, either.

Glad to hear it,,,,now, you are one of us!

You'll get over it soon,,,,its not all that bad unless you put a bowling ball size crater into the exposed nose. Then, you've got some expense to fix it.


Welcome, have fun.


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"I may have to grow older, but I do not have to grow up!"

"The Prowler is not a car to go from Point A to Point B. The Prowler is the Point!"

CJHey, we've all done it.....it can be fixed and it's not the worst thing that can happen.

CJ - The One and Only
1999 Black - PPROWLR
2002 Deep Candy Red - CJPROWLN
2002 Black California Kid Prowler - CAL KID

The Prowler makes you smile. Why? Because it's focused. It has a plot, a reason for being, a passion. It evokes the hot rod. It evokes the American Dream. This car is the human psyche.

David Veu CasovicNikki,congrats on the new Prowler and welcome to the POA.
Originally posted by David Veu Casovic:
Nikki,congrats on the new Prowler and welcome to the POA.

Mine got scrapped going into a driveway in the 1st month I had it, Fixed it when the graphics went on did it again (afew times more) no real damage and it is under the nose so no one sees it.

I had Wideroller (Doug Dorn) remove the nose, repaint the yellow and had Dave Burris repaint the graphics and then Doug reinstalled the nose. ON THE DRIVE HOME FROM DOUGS SHOP, Driving on the busy interstate I had to option, drive off the concrete into the medium or go over a piece of retread in the center of my lane, GUESS WHAT HAPPENED, I get home and there is a heavy black streak right down the center of the nose. Luckly it wiped off with no damage to the nose again, but SH*T HAPPENS

A guy at work is reading this book

Don't sweat the small stuff
and it is all small stuff

RayHey NIKKI you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, Hey Nikki! (clap, clap) Probably can't see teh scrape unless you get down and look at it from ground level ... don't let it spoil your fun.
meancatLook's like I'm the last one to scratch his nose.


SERIBI haven't scraped mine...yet
Originally posted by SERIB:
I haven't scraped mine...yet

Give it time!

How many miles?

I have over 37,000 miles on my kat and I've done it twice so far. It can happen when you least expect it.

ed monahan
Originally posted by SERIB:
I haven't scraped mine...yet

John, I scraped it on Andy's driveway. I knew I forgot to tell you something. lol

meandmykittythe guy who owned mine 20 thousand miles ago scrapped it for me. so i haven't scrapped mine as of yet.
Randy CobbNiki-

Your Prowler has now been baptised!

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