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Topic:Wear Holes in your tops ? PROBLEM SOLVED
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
flamed oneI have noticed on few tops the there are 2 areas that seem to have the very same wear holes in them. 1. front section just off center to the passenger side and 2. just below the rear window about 1/2 of the way from passenger side to the middle of the window . I believe that if you put a strip of foam rubber tucked into that area for the full length of the rear window that you can stop the wear in that area. FIGURE OUT THE MAIN ROOF PROBLEM AREA......
The main roof section point of wear IS THE TRUNK LATCH BAIL. WHEN THE TRUNK IS CLOSED THE BAIL RUBS AGAINST THE TOP FABRIC. IF YOU INSTALL A NYLON BELT, LIKE THE ONE AT THE SIDES OF THE TOP, IN THE MIDDLE AND SLIGHTLY PULL THE FABRIC TO THE REAR AND THE PROBLEM IS OVER. MAKE SURE WHEN YOU SECURE THE BELT TO FASTEN THE SCREW TO THE SUBWOOFER SO THAT IT DOES NOT CREATE A NEW AREA OF WEAR. I decided to take an iron-on black prowling panther patch OR A BLACK POW PATCH and iron it on......Make sure , if you do this , that your top is clean and treated first. UPDATE.....IRON ON PATCH DID NOT WORK...IT WOULD NOT ADHERE TO THE CANVAS......BACK TO SQUARE ONE.....MAY HAVE TO USE A WATER PROOF ADHESIVE TO MAKE IT WORK....There are many different patches that could be used. The accompanying photo's show one patch laid over the bad spot..... Looks much better the a glob of rubber filler some have used, and is much less expensive than a new top, $5.00 versus $2,000 or more....( THE SPONGE IDEA IS SURE AN EASY FIX )

This message has been edited by flamed one on 01-31-2021 at 07:15 AM

toyscould be from having top up with the deck lid open and closing the deck lid on the top, for the rear part of the top.

This message has been edited by toys on 01-21-2021 at 02:58 PM

WildCatHave never seen a hole,in the front panel of the top but several in the piece between the very bottom and glass

Before closing the deck lid a rag should be placed over the top and tuck the rag and top fabric down

Was advised by Chrysler engineer to also place rag over top where the release latch is in the right side and always strap the top with the straps on each side of the top

If both holes are in line with the catch for the deck lid would say the top fabric was loose and the decklid closed and pinched the material and caused the holes

The yellow rag on my top is where it should be and tucked in on the front

Pay no attention to my Tom Mills 2 piece decklid

Larry Mayes

This message has been edited by WildCat on 01-21-2021 at 09:30 PM



I use a 2" X 3" tire dressing sponge, wedged in between the top material and the front (backside) of trunk, right where the trunk lid latches. This provides the room for the trunk lid to close without pinching the top material. I've seen several cats with small holes created due to this NOT being done.


2 DOGS & 1 CATThats because some never learned how to put the top up or down along with the trunk lid
alrtgI also placed a spacer between the strike and top to keep them apart in an attempt to avoid damage to the fabric. (An Absorber Chamois in it's tube)

Over the course of years I noticed that a split began to form on the underside of the top where the fabric was folded.
I suspect that eventually this would result in the need for a repair or replacement so I bought a replacement top for when that time arrived.

Before a repair or replacement was necessary, I sold the car but did make the new owner aware of the issue and made the replacement top available.
The new top went with the car.


Possibly the split began due to the top material still being higher than the chamois tube?

Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
Possibly the split began due to the top material still being higher than the chamois tube?

Actually I think it was from being frequently folded a bit tighter together than it might have been naturally.
I don't think the fabric came in contact or rubbed on anything while folded but I could be wrong about that.

At the time I sold the car, I believe that the top still had many years of service left in it before requiring any repair or replacement.

I mentioned this a couple years ago which is why I still had photo's available today.

This message has been edited by alrtg on 01-24-2021 at 06:57 AM

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