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Forum:General Prowler Discussion
Topic:We are officially classified as a Classic car!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
idiveI talked to JimR. this weekend and he mentioned that he was looking to NADA for a valuation on his car and was unable to locate it in the NADA values. Then he looked in the classic section and found it there.
ALLEY CATI just went to www.nada.com and found Plymouth and Chrysler Prowlers under > Sport/Convertibles
[ Prowler (Plymouth)]

TLRandallTami linked that Yellow that listed for $15,000.00 in the Classifieds.

Tell JimR I'll give him 16 for it!

1997 Purple Prowler Go-Cart and Trailer
1999 Purple Prowler and Trailer
2000 Yellow Prowler Trailer
2001 Mulholland Edition Prowler and Trailer
2001 Cargo Express STE 16' Enclosed Carrier
2004 Ford Mustang 40th Anniversary
2006 Vintage Outlaw 48' Enclosed Trailer
2008 Ford F450 Dually and Trailer

BeWareWhen we converted ours from a lease to a purchase it was located in the exotic car section of the NADA.
ed monahanSandy classified me as a classic way before the Prowler came out. lol
Bob Miller
Originally posted by ed monahan:
Sandy classified me as a classic way before the Prowler came out. lol

Ed, I think what Sandy meant to say, but was too nice to actually tell you was that you're a "relic."

CJIt was a Classic the day the first one rolled off the line!!
jmichaelThey have always been listed in the Classic/collectable NADA guide. They were never listed in the regular guides.
Jim R.Ok to set the record straight.. When I purchased I used the same banking agent and the value was in the Bank edition under a typical car. But now when I was there on other business and wanted to see what it was listing for now. It could not be found. So we enlisted the help of the senior bank officer and he suggest we look into Classified. It was there. She was surprised to not find in the other section. she also informed me that since it was now in the classified they could not loan since this requires a written evaluation on value and they choose not to do any classified loans..

When you go to consumers edition they are still there. But no longer for the banking edition, there again according to my bank....

An no Tom we decided to drive the tires off this can so you are out of luck. When I get finished with this prowler it may have 150000 miles then I will sell at 32000.00, That is my plan...


idiveBoy, it sure sounds like SOMEBODY misunderstood... Who started this thread anyway???
Originally posted by Jim R.:
An no Tom we decided to drive the tires off this can so you are out of luck. When I get finished with this prowler it may have 150000 miles then I will sell at 32000.00, That is my plan...


Dang Jim, I thought we had a deal!!! lol

Jim R.Hi

Mickey just trying to clarify your statement..

Tom Sorry We could not reach a good number on the car.. Last we spoke I was at 125,000.00 you never came back , how odd is that........

After thinking it over I did not want the new faster yellow to make your blue and Purple never see the hardtop again...
I hope you have tied down the yellow trailer over there or it will be making laps all over you other prowlers.... lol

later guys

TLRandallJim, that yellow is die'n to get out of the 16 foot trailer!

I had forgot my "big" wallet that day in Brenham, and Jason wouldn't cover your price for me.

Oh, well, one day!

1997 Purple Prowler Go-Cart and Trailer
1999 Purple Prowler and Trailer
2000 Yellow Prowler Trailer
2001 Mulholland Edition Prowler and Trailer
2001 Cargo Express STE 16' Enclosed Carrier
2004 Ford Mustang 40th Anniversary
2006 Vintage Outlaw 48' Enclosed Trailer
2008 Ford F450 Dually and Trailer

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