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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:We've come a long way
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
heynow14From "I am not a Crook" to "I am not a Witch"
Same ole same ole from the Republican party that wants you to work longer for less pay.


BeWareFrom the liberal guide for decating a conservative.

Lib Tip # 2: Impugn the Source: When debating a Conservative, content is less important than character. When your Conservative opponent states a compelling argument, do not address the argument and instead attack the Conservative personally. Since we are all sinners, it shouldn’t take long to find something wrong with your opponent. Use it.

Lib Tip # 4: Exploit the Weakest Link: Define your opponent by his weakest link. If 10,000 Tea Partiers hold a rally, and one guy has a placard that is inappropriate, that is all you need to characterize the entire group as radical, racist militants. See how that works? It’s simple and fun and, most importantly, deflects all those awkward facts and articulate points away from the discussion and leaves the Conservative in a defensive mode

ALLEY CATSame ole, same ole from the DemoRatic party that wants you to be poor your entire life,,,,burden your children and grandkids with unpayable debt,,,,promise that the government will take care of you and make all of your decisions in life for you,,since you aren't smart enough.

The poo have been voting DemoRatic for 60 years,,,,and they are still POO.

Welfare,,,foodstamsp,,,housing aid,,,Access healthcare,,,ADC benefits,,,WIC benefits,,,etc...
Keeping those not wanting to work happy,,,living in the projects,,the hood,,the barrio, with the crack dealers and ho's.

Yup,,,vote DemoRatic,,,they'll take care of you, fool....

Keep your trust in God:

Your government has failed you miserably.

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 10-06-2010 at 01:16 PM

ed monahan
Originally posted by heynow14:
From "I am not a Crook" to "I am not a Witch"
Same ole same ole from the Republican party that wants you to work longer for less pay.

How can you jump from one to the other without mentioning the middle one, "I did not have sex with that woman", "It is all according to what your definition of is, is".
Yep, the Republicans have the market cornered, the Dems are delightful.

heynow14I could have put a few Bushism's in there but I didn't want to hurt your feelings.


BeWareYour still forgetting that her (the Witch as you refer to her) opponent Coons is a self professed Marxist. I guess you support him?
heynow14I've always been more of a Lennon-ist.


ALLEY CAT http://www.youtube.com:80/watch?v=JVAhr4hZDJE

Nearly 6 million hits on YouTube.

Somewhat different than previous ones I've seen,,but the message is there. Take a few minutes to watch this one through....

Be sure to Vote!

bjprowlerAMEN! and WOW!!!.. Great video!

Never in my lifetime has any president done more to destroy our way of life...For God's sake (and our own).....get out the vote on November 2nd

Originally posted by bjprowler:
AMEN! and WOW!!!.. Great video!

Never in my lifetime has any president done more to destroy our way of life...For God's sake (and our own).....get out the vote on November 2nd


ALLEY CATThe true facts.....

A must see...........2minutes, 40 seconds

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