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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Watch out for Bush.
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
georgieboyI still like Trump but watch out for Bush, he will make a comeback. Dont forget, we still have a year to go. Christie has some good points but he has to lose weight before people take him seriously. Cruz is up there as is Rubio but this is not their time. They will be the serious candidates in 8 years. Carson still has no personality or enthusiasm and what does a surgeon know about running the most powerful country in the world. He didnt even run his surgery business. It was run by his office receptionist.
Landscape DoctorBush does not have any chance what so ever.

Cruz however is gaining steam in Iowa. Others are tapering off. Trump keeps his steady poll # climb in all aspects of polling.

Trump just had a town hall meeting if you call it that. 12,000 people and the parking lot was packed of the overflow who could not get in. The kicker is, it is in a highly democratic area. The people love him.

Originally posted by georgieboy:
I still like Trump but watch out for Bush, he will make a comeback. Dont forget, we still have a year to go. Christie has some good points but he has to lose weight before people take him seriously. Cruz is up there as is Rubio but this is not their time. They will be the serious candidates in 8 years. Carson still has no personality or enthusiasm and what does a surgeon know about running the most powerful country in the world. He didnt even run his surgery business. It was run by his office receptionist.

georgieboy I agree with you on Christie. He's been on a diet for years after lap band surgery and looks like he's gone from 550 down to 450. I don't think he'll be down to a presidential weight by election day. Landy's got it right on Bush he's cooked. I think it's gonna be Trump, Cruz or Lil Marco at this point. My favorite is Trump and I think he'll be the nominee.

Randy CobbAgree...
It's down to Trump, Cruz and Rubio.
In four months or less we'll know, but a lot can happen in that period of time.

With every terrorist attack, Trump will get a surge.
God forbid one happens in the US, homeland security and a tough a stance on foreign policy will rule the day.

Originally posted by Landscape Doctor:

Trump just had a town hall meeting if you call it that. 12,000 people and the parking lot was packed of the overflow who could not get in. The kicker is, it is in a highly democratic area. The people love him.

Sorry, friends but I still can't bring myself to hop aboard the Trump bandwagon..........I have to believe that the attention he draws is from the "entertainment" value of being there to hear his "Don Rickles" style of name calling and insulting others instead of talking about important issues.....

Think about it.....Calling people "losers" and "slobs" is crude, unprofessional and certainly "not Presidential"

StingRayOh BJ ... and 7 years of the bozo in office now constantly say "Look ..." "Now let me be clear on this ..." and a host of other pat phrases that means he's about to lie ...

I will take 4 years of President Trump over any more time with Obamanation or even 1 hour of Hillibagger!!

ALLEY CATBob,,,,You are way off base with the same old responses.

Now, people fear from terrorism possibilities from the crazies and illegal/unwanted people entering the U.S.

TRUMP gains strength through his thoughts of how to deal with the terrorism crazies and illegals. Obviously, you don't agree with him and that's OK,,,,,but to continue to rant about his 'name calling and insulting others' is getting real old and few read your rant posts.

So f/what,,,,,TRUMP doesn't seem to hurt his ability to gain polling strength as he is right on target with his opinions presently. The poll numbers reflect TRUMP strength,,,,,and that isn't from 'entertainment' value.

bjprowlerAC....Other than his name calling and insults Trump has had little to say about his plans to "make America great again"....

When his campaign rhetoric changes to discussing issues, I'll quit ranting...

Check out this article by Karl Rove....Americans are getting sick of listening to Trump's bullish tactics...I'm just one of them.....



More: http://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/editorial-pathetic-mr-trump-article-1.2434657

And more:

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 11-25-2015 at 04:01 PM

silverkatOh BJ Karl Rove? Really? He's a Bushy and overly biased for his boy. He hates Trump with a passion. Did you know that his pet name in the Geo Bush administration was "Turd Mound". It's true that is what they nick named him. He's full of POO Poo.
Landscape Doctor"Turd Mound" Now isn't that the truth.

ALLEY CAT" ,,,,,,Trump has had little to say about his plans to "make America great again"....

Exactly like John Heinz Kerry did ,,,, wouldn't say crap about his plans until after being elected .... We seen how that turned out,, but TRUMP isn't a John Kerry. The Donald, I've been told, has testicles....something Kerry didn't have

Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
[B....something Kerry didn't have [/B]

Still doesn't .... but again, what does he care, he has his tax payer funded pension, health care, and oh yeah ... Heinz fortune to live off of too!

ENOUGH of career politicians .... they are all scum!

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