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T O P I C     R E V I E W
MIKE GATLINThanks to CJ and Bob for a great time at Woodward again this year. This is our 9th consequtive Dream Cruise and each and everyone has been a blast. Crowds may have been a little smaller but not the enthusiasm. We really enjoyed being able to keep our group together most of time.
Gilmore Musuem is extrodinary including a nice drive over and back. Pizza/BS party last night also a lot of fun.

We toured some historic spots in Flint, (birthplace of Genral Motors) and joined "Back to the Bricks" a 4 year old event that compliments the DreamCruise.

1st 3 are from the Sit Downers Memorial, a monument to sit down stikers from 1936-37.

Last 2 are from Friday night "Back to the Bricks" downtown Flint.

Way more to come later, here are a few pics.

Great to see everyone again

This message has been edited by MIKE GATLIN on 08-17-2008 at 08:22 AM

MDProwlerRumor has it that since Ed didn't show the weather was great.
Ed W.
Originally posted by MDProwler:
Rumor has it that since Ed didn't show the weather was great.

I did too & yes it was.........................oh, you meant Monahan.
No he didn't, & yes it was !

TOM GULYASThanks to CJ for another job well done! Thanks to Karen and Mike Gatlin for a wonderful Friday event in Flint,
a city I've traveled through, but never been in to see what it had to offer. Good Job.
CJ - the Gilmore was out of sight! Relaxing, enjoyable, the drive planned out perfectly, and yes the cars at the Gilmore were worth the trip. Tom and I have our eye on a 1930 Cadillac. Gotta start saving. Thanks again guys.
galaxieJust got home from Woodward. Wild Bill cruised with us on his way home to N.J. I also want to thank C.J., Bob, Mike & Karin & everyone else for another great time at Woodward. The Back to the Bricks event in Flint was outstanding. I learned a lot of history about the area that I wasn't aware of. Nice to see old friends & meet some new ones. Michael T. wanted to know where was Monahan. Thanks for not comming Ed, the weather was great! lol
ed monahanI wish we could have made it, for sure and I was tempted to come without Sandy but stayed home.
I missed out on a dinner with two great POA families this week-end, also. Dave & Brenda and Craig Mills and Larry "Wildcat" & Sue Mayes met and we couldn't even make it to that dinner. They are two of the very first Prowler owners that we ever met.
We went to the REDS game with 50 folks and watched the Cardinals smoke the REDS again. It was still a fun night but we wish we could have made it up north for a few days.
I am glad to hear the weather was good for another POA event, that is two in a row. lol
keesA brief note from Chicago Airport, KLM Frequent Flyer Lounge.

I have to agree that also this year was another succes at Woodward. CJ and Bob created again a wonderful atmosphere to enjoy WW and all the activities in
the days before the WW Saturday. Thank you is not always enough but THANK YOU !!!!!

Also a big thank you to Mike and Karen who organized a wonderfull day in Flint.

And of course..... to all the elite group of POA members present that made the event special for Peter Paul and me.

Best regards,

Kees and Peter Paul


jlietzkeThose of you on this site that were not able to enjoy
this years Woodward really missed a great event. Those attending were actually pampered again by CJ & Bob and of course this time Karen and even her other half, whats his name, actually really need to be congradulated for the work
they put forth to make this a very memerable Cruise !!!

Thanks to all for making this gathering top-knotch !!!


Ed W....... I would like to take this time to thank the Academy and the many little people who made this possible for me.............
katatakGreat Woodward,

Planning, Organization, Participants and the weather even though the other Ed was there - My fore head says we had lots of sun shine.

Thanks all

katatak Bill & Lyann

Marc-Colo-99CJ, Bob, Mike and Karen and everyone else who helped. Another nice job! Every year this time I think about my trips to Woodward and wish I was there. Been there twice, once drove for 2 days with JD and once (last year)flew in and had a great time both times. I see Bill was there this year, didn't miss him last year.
Bill, hope to see ya down the road soon and the checks in the mail.


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