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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Vintage garage equipment
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
beachcatAnybody collecting these?

I recently came across a Champion spark plug cleaner like the one in the picture below. I haven't seen one since high school auto shop. Just wondering what the value might be. Also, would it be good to refinish it or leave it as is. It has no dents but the paint is pitted with surface rust.I have ordered a new decal for it simply because I was surprised it was available.

BeWareSometimes restoring an item devalues it. Since the Prowlers went to Rick Restorations in NV, maybe he would give you an estimate on the value and advice as to whether to restore it or not. He will probably need to know if it still works.
beachcatI will try to contact him, Thanks. I don't know if it work as there is no plug on the end of the cord. But I will get on that.

The one in the picture is listed on ebay for $1250 but I think the guy must be dreaming.

beachcatI just went to Rick's site and they specifically say they won't give valuations. But from the looks of his stuff, refurbishing is the route to go. Judging by the prices of his stuff, $1250 might not be out of line on this little unit.
WINDY CITY PROWLERAsk that guy from Arizona he knows everything.
RPLDid you purchase it to keep it because it brought back memories or did you purchase it to make a profit? In either case, I'd recommend carefully cleaning it up without disturbing the existing condition. It's worth what someone is willing to pay you for it. Often the cost to restore an item is more than the final value.

eBay and the Internet have expanded the possible market. You have to keep in mind how you'll package and ship the item. Recently I sold an RC boat. It was an expensive pain in the behind to safely package it for shipment. It cost significantly more than I estimated.

bjprowlerCheck out this site....Lots of interesting memorabilia, forums and classifieds....


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