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T O P I C     R E V I E W
johnnyJim, Johnny here. I was just telling Arthur, has he heard anything about the Houston Prowlers. The last time we got together was the time we had dinner at Goodson's Cafe in Tomball. That was a great time to see old friends. Maybe we can do something like that again. Even though I don't have my Prowler, I still have my Prowler friends. If u guys do anything please let us know. Arthur still has his Prowler but it stays in his garage. Unless I tell him to go with me to a local car show. Say hi to Lori for us. Good luck in getting some Prowlers together. U know us we don't even live in Houston and we drive up tp 2 hrs. to see u guys. GOOD LUCK, Johnny,Faye & Arthur Prowler family forever
idiveIts good to see you checking in! Those flags you sent me... I took them out on July 4th and lost the US flag after about 7 miles. I backtracked several times but never found it. I guess someone else picked it up. I need to get another one but at least I have the caddy for it now.
I think Jim wants to go see Tom in Caldwell for a car show on Saturday. I'm still in shock and awe that Tom actually told us about a car show BEFORE it happens! And still watching the weather. I can't decide which vehicle to take. Its too short notice to get the car in the show, I don't know what parking will be like, I hate to have a problem with my fuel pump like last trip out that way, and I'm not too sure yet about what the weather will be doing.
Angela has mentioned maybe getting you guys back in town sometime.
Its always good to see you guys. You aren't forgotten. You're still on our email list. We just haven't done anything.

ok... looks like Jim cancelled Saturday so now the calendar goes from 9-10 to 9-12. (Personally, I think he's doing his obama impression, cancelling 9-11 like it never happened.)

This message has been edited by idive on 09-08-2010 at 04:17 PM

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