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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Unemployment Watta joke
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Bobby TI put in a job offer for sales people to work from home on Craigs list and in 4 days i received 31 calls, So i split up the group 7 would start training tonight at 6:30pm, guess what no one showed up, 2 guys had to stay at their nursing home, 1 had to pick up his parents at the airport, 2 i didn't talk to yet and 2 didn't write down directions.
IT seems no one wants to work.
ALLEY CAT"IT seems no one wants to work."

Bobby > that might be a stretch,,,,,but I won't argue with you in theory. Why work? The new Messiah has promised the world to get votes,,,,,,,,,redistribution of wealth.

The two that didn't write down the directions,,,,,,might be your best candidates

Good post!

PROWLEUMrs. PROWLEU runs a temp agency. She gets the same stories all the time. You can really see why these folks are temp employees - they don't want to work. And the lame excuses they come up with are comical.

Remember 99% of the people who are in the situations they are in are because of what THEY did to put themselves there. They are not victims.
Dale BeamanPROWLEU
How true it is. A guy I know is out of work and said he needed a job. My friend who has a temp agency found him one at $9 an hour and 44 hours a week working only 5 days a week. It was working for a small rehab hospital in Shipping & Receiving and filling in his extra time with Food Service. This is a guy with no education except he had graduated from high school and very little work experience. He worked one day and quit because he didn't like working until 7PM because it messed up his evenings!
What a lazy piece of trash!

This message has been edited by Dale Beaman on 11-15-2008 at 08:19 AM

Originally posted by Dale Beaman:
How true it is. A guy I know is out of work and said he needed a job. My friend who has a temp agency found him one at $9 an hour and 44 hours a week working only 5 days a week. It was working for a small rehab hospital in Shipping & Receiving and filling in his extra time with Food Service. This is a guy with no education except he had graduated from high school and very little work experience. He worked one day and quit because he didn't like working until 7PM becasue it messed up his evenings!
What a lazy piece of trash!

wonder who will pay for his health care

Bobby TAll the big companies are laying off people and now they need big money but it's not out there. I say take what you can get and be happy.
Originally posted by PROWLEU:

Remember 99% of the people who are in the situations they are in are because of what THEY did to put themselves there. They are not victims.

Agree! Many are drug addicts,,,who don't want to take a drug test to work for a regular business. Many of the rest of the temp. class,,,,,,,,are ex-cons with felony records, illegals,,,, or just lazy bastads

heynow14I've seen the same attitudes in corporations. They always state that they must pay out the big salaries and bonuses because if they don't they will not be able to retain executive talent. I guess some CEO's just don't want to work unless their getting multi-million $ bonuses. Lazy F*cks.


Originally posted by heynow14:
I've seen the same attitudes in corporations. They always state that they must pay out the big salaries and bonuses because if they don't they will not be able to retain executive talent. I guess some CEO's just don't want to work unless their getting multi-million $ bonuses. Lazy F*cks.

That really shows what an idiot you really are. When was the last time you got a job from a poor person. And if a CEO gets paid 10 Million and the company value increases to 400 Million - you'd probably say he wasn't worth it.

BeWareOnly having a high school education is not a measure of how smart or stupid someone is. It is how hard you are willing to work. I only have a high school education and I think I have done damn well for myself. Vietnam was going on when I graduated HS and I went straight into the service. When I got out, I was married and had a baby on the way so I had to go straight to work. I would have probably made more money and advanced faster than I did had I had a college education. however I don't regret anything. Over the many years I worked with SOME college educated people that were not worth a plug nickel. I could work circles around them. I was faster, smarter, more efficient and proficient.
Also don't label all temps bad either. When I took a early retire package from IBM I went back as a contract employee. To do this I had to be with a Temp agency. IBM paid the agency and they paid me. I worked for two temp agencies over the 13 years that I worked as a contract employee at IBM. Tacor and Spherion.
In all I worked at IBM for a total of 38 years. 25 years as a regular employee and 13 as a contractor.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 11-18-2008 at 04:06 PM

heynow14Prowleu, Ceo's make those comments when they are going thru bankruptcy court. See Kmart etc. Fact is even when the companies lose money they take golden parachutes of Millions. They don't care if the company makes millions or goes into bankruptcy; either way they get paid. Slow down on your Ceo hero worship.


PROWLEUNot worshiping any CEO's, just the point that if someone (a board of directors) decides on a pay rate and things go south, then it is the board who needs to be more circumspect with the company's funds.
What happens when a pro athlete or actor has a bad year or a bad movie? They still get their millions - but no one says anything - and these people produce nothing.
The liberal media has latched onto this wealth inequity between CEO's and the employees, but very few CEO's don't earn their keep, else commerce would fail at a far greater rate.
At the end of the day - whose decision is it to pay anyone - the company or the government?
heynow14More of the "Very Few":

Any others?


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