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Topic:Under Hood Heat Shield?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
SPCL-TDoes anyone know who manufactured this part? The black pad that mounts to the bottom of the hood, which has the Kat logo on it. Or, does anyone know how to re-seam an edge of this type of material? Please advise, because of once this is cut, it shed's its fibers. Thanks.
obi-wanAs far as I know these are avail from Chrysler over the parts counter. If you wanted to have the edge stitched you could go to an uph. shop with a good heavy duty machine and have it sewn on the edge or go to an old fastened shoe shop to get it done. You may want to have an edge binder added. I would have this done to a new one before you put it on. By the way you'll probably need new pop tabs for the inst. When you remove the old pad you may find that the old tabs will break off. Get them from the parts counter too. Best of luck and keep us informed, Obi-Wan
BeWareSo that's what that saw dust looking stuff is all over the upper radiator support when I raise the hood.
thedqman By the way your car looks GREAT.
Never got to tell you that.
And thanks for the Stuff you sent over.
Tell Mom and Dad we said Hi!!
Mike and Karen
CJObi-wan is correct........you should be able to order these throught the parts dept. at your local dealer!
SPCL-TAlready have a new one setting in storage. This question is for putting the finishing touch on the Scoop project from last year. Since the air filter rides w/ the hood, we cut a hole thru both hood & heat shield. As a temporary fix, we put black electrical tape around the cut-out of the heat shield. The tape doesn't stick very well w/ the underhood temperatures, & I just don't like the way it looks. I'm just trying to make the modification look a little more like factory. Thanks for the help!

This message has been edited by SPCL-T on 07-12-2004 at 04:13 PM

Black Tie 161
Originally posted by SPCL-T:
Already have a new one setting in storage. This question is for putting the finishing touch on the Scoop project from last year. Since the air filter rides w/ the hood, we cut a hole thru both hood & heat shield. As a temporary fix, we put black electrical tape around the cut-out of the heat shield. The tape doesn't stick very well w/ the underhood temperatures, & I just don't like the way it looks. I'm just trying to make the modification look a little more like factory. Thanks for the help!

I bet if you wandered up and down a few aisles at Home Depot, you'd find something that could be used to put on your rough edges to clean them up.

Rubber molding, carpet transition strips, any type of rubber or plastic trim...etc. Be as creative as you were with the cutout.

Good luck!

Originally posted by Black Tie 161:
I bet if you wandered up and down a few aisles at Home Depot, you'd find something that could be used to put on your rough edges to clean them up.

What a simple solution. Couldn't have asked for a better idea. Thanks BT-161!

Black Tie 161
Originally posted by SPCL-T:
What a simple solution. Couldn't have asked for a better idea. Thanks BT-161!

I keep thinking of the guy here who made a wicked cold air induction tube made from venting parts he got at Home Depot!

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