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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:UPDATE: MSNBC: Dems Received $1 Million In Foreign Donations
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
BeWareMSNBC's Mika Brzezinski points out that amid the White House's attack on the Chamber of Commerce, Democrats have taken in at least $1 million from "political action committees affiliated with foreign companies."

"The big problem is that money no longer has to be disclosed and that is a huge issue. It affects Democrats as well as Republicans. But, the bottom line is that the Republicans are doing it 7-1 better than the Democrats. To that extent, the Democrats are getting clobbered," MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell said defending the tactics against the Chamber.

UPDATE: WH Emails MSNBC Over Reporting Foreign Donations To Democrats

MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski receives an email from the White House only one hour after she reported Democrats have received over $1 million in donations from foreign sources.

Brzezinski tells the audience, verbatim, what the White House emailed to her about the "campaign contributions thing."

MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski receives an email from the White House only one hour after she reported Democrats have received over $1 million in donations from foreign sources.

Brzezinski tells the audience, verbatim, what the White House emailed to her about the "campaign contributions thing":

"It's not their [Democrats'] entire message, it's an attempt to shine a bright and unmistakable light on the fight that these corporate interests have an ability to participate anonymously in our democracy ultimately to the severe detriment of Americans," she read.

"To the degree that it underscores what is an unholy alliance between Washington and the Republicans and these big corporate special interests, it's an important voting issue for millions of Americans," she finished.

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