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Topic:Turn off your TVs
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
reecheeA great rant from "Network"

Tax cuts are the same as spending increases.

Landscape DoctorI would have to agree with that video,,, it is all FAKE NEWS PROPAGANDA. Fox News is the only one that is non bias, except for Shep Smith, he needs the boot.

To get factual news, listen to talk radio.

Just a couple good ones for your listening taste buds.

Michael Savage
Marc Levin
Alex Jones
Jeff Kuhner
Rush Limbaugh
Laura Ingraham
Howie Carr

This message has been edited by Landscape Doctor on 02-22-2017 at 08:32 PM

TLRandallI agree, I used to like watching Shep, but he has become too arrogant and it completely taking one side instead of just reporting the news.
reecheeYou really need to have some variety in your information diet. To ingest nothing but that which reinforces your world view is not healthy. I do imbibe in some of the above from time to time. But Alex Jones? Really????????? Mr. Sandy Hook was a fraud? This man has zero credibility.

You won't be hurt if you try something beyond your safe spaces.

May I recommend something a little light to broaden your media diet? It is a weekly radio show called Left, Right and Center. It is a weekly half-hour radio program that provides a "civilized yet provocative antidote to the screaming talking heads that dominate political debate".

Rich Lowry, editor of the conservative National Review, represents the right. Until his death in 2012, Tony Blankley, editorial page editor of The Washington Times represented the right

Josh Barro, a columnist at The New York Times, represents the center, and is the moderator.

They have various guests from time to time representing the left.
or maybe World Press Review. See what other countries are thinking: http://www.worldpress.org/

Do not insulate yourself from ever being told you're wrong.
We rarely have principled, informed arguments anymore; just angry shouting matches. So many of your previously posted favorites are classic examples of the Dunning-Kruger effect. It’s very hard to educate or inform people who, when in doubt, just make stuff up.

Tax cuts are the same as spending increases.

GortI watch BBC,CNN,MSNBC,FOX and Russian news. I like to hear from all sides even if it's one sided. Fox is the closest to the truth. MSMBC is like listening to radical left wing idiots but it's entertaining. I even read reechee posts.

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