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Topic:Tulsa travelers stop at the "Roach Ranch Diner"
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
tangled up in BLUE...today, while catching up on my afternoon naps, I received a call from my buddy Ronnie (DakotaRT) to tell me there were several Kats at the "Roach Ranch Diner"....I was there in about 2 minutes and joined the crew traveling thru from Tulsa to Ohio and NJ....I hurried into the kitchen to water down the soup and get todays roadkill on the grill while they looked around the dump...

...after a quick meal, we went to the "Nursing Home Garage" to take a look see, we all drove right in...

...a few pix were taken, if Mr.Eds Kat had been parked where it belonged, there would have been 9 Kats in there today, but 8 was a pretty good crowd...

...another shot

...and a group shot for the road...on to the famous "Tombstone Foto Shoot"...the excitement was at fever pitch by this time, realizing what all New Castle had to offer...

This message has been edited by tangled up in BLUE on 06-20-2007 at 10:01 PM

tangled up in BLUE

This message has been edited by tangled up in BLUE on 06-20-2007 at 09:56 PM

tangled up in BLUE

This message has been edited by tangled up in BLUE on 06-20-2007 at 09:59 PM

SirRealSome of my favorite people there! Glad everyone is getting back. I've been watching the paint dry here.
onecatnodogMan I would love to come visit you BROTHER, maybe someday soon. Thanks for taking time out and talking with your lost brother and introducing you lovely wife. I almost feel like I have know you all my life.. Still wanting to come out for the WoodWard Cruise but at this time no doe can't go... onecatnodog...
ed monahanGad, Rod, Steve, Sharon and Vickie were all admitted to the hospital later in the day. After having their stomachs pumped the Lucid Eye cancelled his post. lol
John, that is the names of the 5 from left to right in the photo above. (Just in case there is another contest). lol
TFischerLarry when Ken and I and the fam come on up to Indy to visit Ken's sister we had better be able to go look at your new place!!! T
tangled up in BLUE
Originally posted by TFischer:
Larry when Ken and I and the fam come on up to Indy to visit Ken's sister we had better be able to go look at your new place!!! T

...load up on Pepto Bismol and I'll feed all you guys at the "Roach Ranch Diner"

Monday....Road Kill Gumbo
Tuesday...left over Road Kill Gumbo
Wed.......Mystery Meat
Thurs.....soup of the week
Friday....left over soup of the week (somewhat thinner)
Sat.......bring your own meat
Sunday....cat carcass stew, shipped in fresh monthly from our supplier in Mesa Arizona

tangled up in BLUE
Originally posted by ed monahan:
Gad, Rod, Steve, Sharon and Vickie were all admitted to the hospital later in the day. After having their stomachs pumped the Lucid Eye cancelled his post. lol
John, that is the names of the 5 from left to right in the photo above. (Just in case there is another contest). lol

....the "Lucid Eye" was hanging out at the local hospital emergency room all afternoon, in case there might be a Diner obit to report........

TFischerI always like a surprise so I think Wednesday would be a good day!! Actually I was talking about the nursing home - T
onecatnodogEd, thanks for putting names with the faces for all of us newbies. Just trying to have some fun on both sites and waiting for everyone to get settled in and I will start posting THE REST OF THE STORY... I met over 100 people in Tulsa and would like to remember at least half... That would be good for me... onecatnodog...
tangled up in BLUE
Originally posted by TFischer:
I always like a surprise so I think Wednesday would be a good day!! Actually I was talking about the nursing home - T

...ya gotta eat first ...then the nursing home tour

Originally posted by onecatnodog:
I met over 100 people in Tulsa and would like to remember at least half... That would be good for me... onecatnodog...

John: Actually you only met 50 - you had double vision that night and thought there was 100 T

This message has been edited by TFischer on 06-20-2007 at 11:07 PM

Originally posted by tangled up in BLUE:
...ya gotta eat first ...then the nursing home tour

Alright!! The best of both worlds. Sounds great. T

Originally posted by TFischer:
I always like a surprise so I think Wednesday would be a good day!! Actually I was talking about the nursing home T

Cousin T > read again: > "Sunday....cat carcass stew, shipped in fresh monthly from our supplier in Mesa Arizona"

Sunday is the best day,,,,,the special at the 69 Diner is fabulous,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hand selected by me! Those other day specials Taco posted,,,,be sure your health insurance is current!

TFischerAC: That's what was scaring me!! It was great seeing you and Lethia again cuz! T
ALLEY CATCousin Tami > Ed Whitham [Mr.Ed] told me the best part of the Taco Bell car museum,,,,,that there are still 15 toilets still flushing,,,,and the ladies rest room lines are short.
ps - bring your own 2-ply tp,,,,Bell only supplies the one-ply stuff!

I can't wait for the day when I can view Tubby's collection. His four Vipers need some of AC's driving time

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 06-21-2007 at 09:10 AM

TFischerOuch!! What a thing to do to a Viper!!
Dale BeamanHow cool is that to get your picture in the most scenic spot in New Castle! That's my dream: a good meal, tour the nursing home museum and getting a photo shoot!!
jersey shore kat sharLarry,
Thanks for the "hospital"ity...just kidding. the food was great ...and the tour and photo op will be considered one of the highpoints of the trip home to jersey...thanks again, sharon
gadstertuib;thank you for your generosity and hospitality. i really enjoyed the tour of your miniature garage and the photo op. again thanks!!! gad

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