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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Trump will destroy ANY chance for a GOP victory on 2016
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
bjprowlerImagine a GOP candidate who has to spend all of his energy to PROVE that he is NOT a bigot or a racist...

Case closed.....Hillary wins

Watch this:

mslc10And then we deserve it for letting in all the democratic voting illegals and towelheads and letting communism and socialism bloom and implode our society under Clinton bush and owadma! This country should be ashamed of itself but they you could see the slide to mediocrity way back when we picked the cheap vhs over the superior beta!! Face it ! There are no craftsmen, perfectionist immigrants coming here to save us or make us great again! Just ho hum socialists wetbacks with 8 kids or Syrian jihadists with pipes and pressure cookers!

Fork us ,we are done!!

" We are going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good". Hillary Clinton

This message has been edited by mslc10 on 12-20-2015 at 08:15 PM

greatkatTrump is just simply being Trump .... pointing out some of the most obvious issues in American society and exercising his Amendment rights to free speech.

I don't see anything bigot or racist with someone who tells it like it is ..... and Donald is.

You always know what is on Donald's mind because he tells you, unlike any other sleezy politician I know.

I realize it is unusual, but perhaps everyone should try to get used to the straightforward truths about our screwed up North American society, instead of the regular load of "it's OK, we will address it" BS handed down by both current parties.

bjprowlerDid you even bother to watch the videos?
Michael PondI will vote by the ABC's. Anybody but Clinton!!
greatkatYes, I watched the video. Please see my review in the above posting.
bjprowlerSo, you're an American living in Canada?....Just wondering.
mslc10There was a post where Carly said she would be better at defeating hillary than trump. So this looks like a great place for another of my beloved analogies! I know you guys have been missing them! Lol!

So we have mopar guys and Chevy guys.
There will be a car race and only one winner.
Mopar guys select three mopars ,Chevy select two.
These are chosen as to be most likely to win the race.

With me so far?

So we have :

Intrepid at 3%. vs. Camaro at 23%
Charger at 28%. Corvette at 63%
Challenger at 43%

So basically what Carly was saying was the only way to beat the corvette is pitting it against the intrepid..........

Makes sense to me!!

" We are going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good". " Sorry". Hillary Clinton

greatkatHi BJ,

Thanks for the question.

It seems I possibly might be more American than you are in thought, speech, and conviction. I love America and I want America returned to greatness.

That will take a dramatic change in thinking and action.

Donald, I, Ray, Silvercat, AC, Ed, MSlC10 and many others are looking forward to great changes. According to the polls, that seems uncomfortable and confusing to a divided minority.

I'm curious, what great changes are you looking for, and which candidate do you think can deliver?

bjprowlerI assume that means yes, you are a US citizen?

Again, I'm just curious since you have a keen interest in US politics but have an Ontario address and just yesterday you posted an article title "I'm ashamed of the Canadian government".....?????

As far as my preference, I really think Marco Rubio has the energy, intelligence and clear understanding of global affairs to be a great leader.

I'm afraid Trump is so abrasive and egotistical that we would be faced with four years of constant conflict between him and the congress with little ever being resolved.

You can point to polls all day and still not convince me that on election day, Trump will lose to Hillary due to the uprising of people who will flock to the polls simply for the purpose of defeating him.....

Here's a typical article discussing his lack of diplomatic skills:

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 12-24-2015 at 01:29 AM

Originally posted by bjprowler:
I assume that means yes, you are a US citizen?

Again, I'm just curious since you have a keen interest in US politics but have an Ontario address and just yesterday you posted an article title "I'm ashamed of the Canadian government".....?????

Geeze, BJ ... why don't you grill the official POA menace and PF troll for his involvement like this ... you certainly are NOT fair and balanced, which further supports the notion that you ARE a closet liberal with posters of Hillary and Bernie in your home!

bjprowlerMay I remind you that Trump is NOT YET the GOP candidate?

....Even the Republican Party leadership dislikes him....JEEZE!

Trump will say and do anything he thinks will keep the whackos who support him following like sheep to the slaughter.

BTW....Have you noticed that Hillary has had little to say about Trump?........The reason is, she's hoping that he get's the GOP nomination in order to improve her chances of winning the White House....Good strategy on her part...

*****(spoiler alert!)....Here comes the BS response about Republicans being sick of the "establishment" candidates...

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 12-24-2015 at 10:23 AM

mslc10Im all in favor of the congress not doing anything!!!! I just wish the last congress didnt do anything....like spend OUR money!!!!

Go for the Govt shut down!!

What are they going to do ? Close down an open air memorial that can't be closed down or cost anything to remain "open"? maybe they will spend money renting baracades to put around a free open air memorial! ....
makes sense...spend money to save money your not spending? how does that work?

Oh ...wait.... http://hotair.com/archives/2013/10/02/unreal-park-w orkers-installing-more-barricades-around-wwii-memorial-to-keep-vets-out/

This message has been edited by mslc10 on 12-24-2015 at 12:18 PM

Originally posted by bjprowler:
the whackos who support him following like sheep to the slaughter.

He's like the Warren Jeffs of the republican party. It's amusing to watch all the sheep, clamoring to join the Church of the Later Day Trump Chumps.Can't wait till he goes down in defeat.

bjprowlerApparently George Wills of the Washington Post agrees with me.....(As do many other conservatives)

http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/a-conservative-party-jeopardized-by-trump/2015/12/23/3335339c-a8e2-11e5-8058-480b572b4aae_story.html?hpid=hp_no-name_opinion-card-a%3Ahomepag e%2Fstory

tangled up in BLUE....................
DublinOHI'm not necessarily a Trump fan, but Washington needs a big wake up call and maybe, just maybe Trump can deliver. I really don't think it could possibly be any worse than Obama. Survey says....Name the top things politicians do to get elected.

1) Lie
2) Campaign (spelled l.i.e.)
3) Fundraise (collect money in exchange for favors)

bjprowlerWashington won't get a "wake up" call even if Trump should be elected. (which is unlikely)

Unless you favor a President who gets things done by "Executive Action" Trump will have little support in congress and therefore be an ineffective leader. His belligerent, caustic approach will get him nowhere....

If he wants to be a dictator, he needs to buy his own island.

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 12-25-2015 at 08:11 AM

ed monahanIn that case Trump probably will win since most folks don't want to vote for a change. It would be the same thing as we have now. No need for Congress to be involved. Stay with the dictatorship form of gov't.
Landscape Doctor
Originally posted by beachcat:
He's like the Warren Jeffs of the republican party. It's amusing to watch all the sheep, clamoring to join the Church of the Later Day Trump Chumps.Can't wait till he goes down in defeat.


Originally posted by tangled up in BLUE:

Couldn't agree more!!!

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