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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Trump solves flag problem
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Michael Pond

While some doubt his qualifications to be POTUS - He certainly thinks fast on his feet and resolves issues in a manner that would frustrate the best of legal teams. Time to simply flush the political toilet bowl - even for just one term. he certainly is more qualified than Oblowzo ever was or is and for sure IS pro-American.
His arrogance and unpredictable behavior may just prove a plus at this point and time in regaining our credibility of what we say as a nation to the rest of the world. At the VERY LEAST - he has shaken the very core of the political process for 2016 in a more positive than negative way.

Read his solution to a Flag problem below.

When Trump purchased and rebuilt Mar-A-Lago the Grand mansion and estate In Palm beach, Florida, he got into a dispute with the city, who are well known for being strict on zoning regulations.

Mr. Trump put up a 50 foot flag pole even though 30 foot is the maximum allowed. The City imposed a $1,000 a day fine. While Mr. Trump and city argued back and forth, the fine reached $120,000 dollars and Mr. Trump proposed a solution. He would donate that amount to Veterans
Organizations, would move the flag and pole to a different location in front of the mansion and would only use a 30 foot flag pole.

The city agreed. So Trump brought in a company who does Golf course construction, had them build a 20 foot high grassy hill and put a 30 foot flag pole on top of that.....

Thank you Mr. TRUMP for flying our flag high and donating to our veterans, you are a TRUE AMERICAN.

Landscape DoctorTrump, a man of real solutions.
Originally posted by Landscape Doctor:
Trump, a man of real solutions.

EXACTLY .... thinking OUT OF THE BOX, instead of like a friggin politician! Enough is enough.

This message has been edited by StingRay on 10-08-2015 at 09:00 PM

mslc10And a finger in the eye of the regulatory pricks!

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