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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Trump overhauls federal hiring
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
cstallAbout time! More emphasis will be placed on job experience rather than college degrees.
I'm sure the colleges are screaming about this cuz it'll cut their sales of worthless diplomas. I hope people will realize they don't need to incur huge student debt for all those bullshít degrees that colleges have conned folks into thinking they need to succeed...

http://www.govexec.com/pay-benefits/2020/06/trump-sign-executive -order-overhaul-federal-hiring-process/166471/


This message has been edited by cstall on 06-26-2020 at 07:56 PM

ed monahanCURT, CURT,Curt. They are not only getting a worthless piece of paper, they are being brainwashed by the ultra liberal professors while they are there. None of them can think for themselves, they believe all the worthless crap they are being fed and that is why the past months worth of B.S. happened. A bunch of airheads.
LSKI totally agree with Trump. At our Environmental Lab, we try to hire employees with degrees. Most of them come from UNCA, Asheville. More and more, we are seeing that the newer ones are brain dead. They just don't seem to be able to think for themselves. We've also had some problems with drug usage and minor theft. My daughter is finally beginning to see that an older person, not necessarily a college graduate, is very capable of learning how to do the testing process and to operate the equipment. They also seem to be much more stable and not as likely to jump ship.
Originally posted by LSK:
... More and more, we are seeing that the newer ones are brain dead. They just don't seem to be able to think for themselves...

I've known a lot of dummies with degrees. We need to start asking if it's ethical to charge people lots of $$$ to certify that they read a book. Real world experience goes a long way...

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