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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Trump in serious trouble with female voters
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
bjprowlerA CNN poll released March 24 found that 73 percent of women disapprove of Trump and a Reuters poll a week earlier found that fully half of female voters have a "very unfavorable" view of the New York billionaire.

While Trump's insults to veterans and John McCain, Latinos and African Americans seemed to have had little impact on his voting support, women seem to be Trump's kryptonite.

Democrats, meanwhile, are rubbing their hands together in glee at the prospect of a Trump candidacy


This message has been edited by bjprowler on 03-31-2016 at 10:00 AM

StingRayHow's your 2016 (and 2015 for that matter) donation to support this site coming Beeejayyyy .... if it were pay by worthless post, you would owe a fortune!
bjprowlerKiss my a__

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 03-31-2016 at 04:23 PM

The news isn't getting any better for Trump....If he becomes the GOP nominee Hillary will start packing her bags...


cstallYes - Hillary wins according the the HuffPost Pollster, a scientific survey which polled the following groups:

* people waiting in line for welfare checks
* People waiting in line at the free clinic
* People sneaking across the border
* entitlement junkies, losers, whiners and the "disenfranchised"

This message has been edited by cstall on 03-31-2016 at 05:04 PM

ed monahanThis just in: Hillary is going to win the primary in Mich. by a large margin.
bjprowlerWould you rather stick with Trump or have Hillary as your next president?....Sorry guys,.....The handwriting is on the wall.


ed monahanHillary will win big in Mich. primary.
George JohnsonLas Vegas odds has Hillary winning the Presidential nomination...it is all a rigged system.
mslc10Time to quit working ang gets me on da welfare! I'll score more $$$$!!! And have more time to polish my rides!

72 virgins huh? Well let's get these boys laid!!

This message has been edited by mslc10 on 03-31-2016 at 08:45 PM

Originally posted by bjprowler:
[B]....The handwriting is on the wall.

Just like the writing under your name that shows NO SUPPORT in FOUR years for a site that is home to many purely argumentative posts from you ....

bjprowlerStingRay....I can only imagine what visitors and potential new members must think when they see your personal attacks and demands for "dues"........Apparently you are the self appointed "collector" who will insure that those who dare to participate on this site "pay up" or face the wrath and insults of StingRay.

I intend to PM both Mike and Judy Krehel to voice my strong objection to your personal attacks that make this site inhospitable......I doubt that either of them condone your actions and will recall that they've had to deal with you for similar problems in the past.

StingRayFunny Beeejayyyyy ... in a forum you don't want to exist here at POA, and twist the facts just as media has done over Trump's remarks about abortion.

My statement stands and is factual - no contribution stars for last four years. many, many postings for purely argumentative gain and not for the purpose of bettering the POA community.

Yes, and visitors to the site see contributors, their recognition and have respect. much like for legal citizens as well. Guess you can draw your own analogy.

bjprowlerCheck out the "un-favorability" ratings at the 2:51 mark in this link. If Trump becomes the GOP nominee and nothing changes, he will lose in a "landslide" per Charles Krauthammer....

http://video.foxnews.com/v/4825799223001/are- trump-supporters-having-doubts-after-a-challenging-week/?intcmp=hpvid1#sp=show-clips

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 04-01-2016 at 01:26 PM

silverkatBJ Prowler
I intend to PM both Mike and Judy Krehel to voice my strong objection to your personal attacks that make this site inhospitable......I doubt that either of them condone your actions and will recall that they've had to deal with you for similar problems in the past.


I wouldn't be so quick to do that with the history of your posting Beeejy. You have heard of the pot calling the kettle black? Your ear must be made out of tin for you to think people wouldn't laugh their A$$es off after reading your posts and who know what your contributions have been. Yes and that does include support of the site and your volume of meaningless posts designed just to piss people off. Oh and let's not forget name calling and slanderous accusations you've made in the past. Do you really wish not to contribute to this site but continue to abuse it?

This message has been edited by silverkat on 04-01-2016 at 04:17 PM

bjprowlerThanks for the "bump"

Be sure to read my links, friends

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 04-01-2016 at 05:09 PM

Gort73 percent? about the same number that say Clinton is a crook ...right?

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