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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Trump/bet u didn't know this
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GortIf Trump wins (big if) he will be the first President to have a son living in the White house.


The White House needs a fine young man living within......

StingRayAgreed AC and have both Christians and Jewish family there often as well.
silverkatAbsolutely NOT true. John Kennedy Jr. lived there with father Jack. Gerald Ford had son who lived there and Teddy Roosevelt had Four sons who lived there. That's just for starters.

A KO by S/K on the third post

Difficult to push BS past others in the POT forum,,,,,Fact Checkers are present

bjprowlerWhen was the last time we had a First Lady that was not a natural born American?
Landscape Doctor
Originally posted by bjprowler:
When was the last time we had a First Lady that was not a natural born American?

Excellent post Mr. BJ. Just goes to show you that D.J. Trump is not against imigrants,,, COMING HERE LEGALLY.


When was the last time we had a First Lady that was not a natural born American?

Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams > wife of Q. Adams,,,born in the UK:

silverkatUB knew that bit of trivia as he dated Louisa before she married John Q.....Good question UB!
GortPlay on words.

silverkatInitial post isn't a play on words. That's where the link should have been posted if that was the gag.
StingRayBeeeejaaaaaaaay i instead hoping for a First Man that has been impeached and is both a known rapist, murderer, and money launderer .... SO much better than an admirable mother, legal immigrant who will make a FINE First Lady!

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