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T O P I C     R E V I E W
quincySorry to be so ignorant......but what is 'trolling' and what is a 'board war'?

Current modifications: Performance final drive gears, Front bumper turn signal relocation kit, 'Wonder Bar', trunk hinge protectors, ceramic front brake pads, super hood struts, F & R mud flaps, engine shimmer dress up kit, rear bumper shimmer, Original "Kraut" permanent fix for window regulators. Dr. Ru custom pin striping.

Blue TieI had the same question so I found this answer on the net.
Mike thanks for reminding us of the rules.

1. trolling

Being a pr**k on the internet because you can. Typically unleashing one or more cynical or sarcastic remarks on an innocent by-stander, because it's the internet and, hey, you can.

Guy: "I just found the coolest ninja pencil in existence."
Other Guy: "I just found the most retarded thread in existence."

2. trolling

Trolling is the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet, generally on message boards. When done in a moderated internet community, this can result in banning. When done to uptight people such as fundies, this can result in hilarity.

Apparently I can't post links here, so I can't give a good example of trolling. Sorry.

3. Trolling

To use the internet to start problems, insult, or hurt others. An action that only usually affects the person trolling.
Usually a very bored, lonely person with no friends. Or a punk ass kid.

"My AOL account was shut down because I was trolling in a chatroom."

4. trolling

Act of appearing on internet forums and boards with malicious intent. Trolling includes...

-batting people to flame at you
-putting the forum down and encouraging people to leave.
-using several identities on a board to support your own arguments / stage pretend arguments
-generally being a on a power trip.

This message has been edited by Blue Tie on 11-14-2007 at 08:22 PM

Mike KrehelHere is some interesting reading on this topic.
The Subtle Art Of Trolling
How to Handle A Troll
Wikipedia, Internet Trolling Definition
Wikipedia, Internet Baiting Definition Paragraph 3 is particularly interesting!
Wikipedia, Internet Flaming Definition

onecatnodogWoW! Thanks for the info... I had no idea that's what trolling meant... I just thought it meant checking out sites with out commenting... The computer has been a great tool for me as I learn something daily, has even help my spelling...(thanks spell check) I could have learned more in school but was more interested in the Ladies, cars and just having fun with my friends... Somethings never change......John(onecatnodog)Collins
ETMIDZTI did knot no that also......
toysQuincy thanks for posting the question.

Mike K.
Thanks for posting the Links to help clear up and define some misunderstood issues here.
From what I have seen I would say we have had more than our share of malicious trolling here. JMHO


Northern CatGreat post...kinda says it all...thanks Frank and Mike ,

Zero tolerance works best, for trolls

Maybe the "Trolls" and "Trolls in Waiting" will move on
and go potty else where....we till have a few and there easy to spot...

POA, The best Prowler site on the web


This message has been edited by Northern Cat on 11-15-2007 at 10:35 AM


Thanks for the education!

I assume that 'board wars' are when two or more people banter back and forth about some inane subject?

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