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Topic:Traveling in large group...what to do
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
WildCatSteve and I discuss this at most events when we have a hard time keeping the group together.

All groups need a LEADER and a CLEANUP guy. Steve and I do both as needed.

For those that have been to other events you have an idea of what we do, but for those that are new please read and if you have any additional input that is constructive please post

To take a large group and travel together is almost impossible. Most times we have good directions to pass out. But we have always tried to have a morning/predrive drivers meeting to let everyone know what we are doing for the driving coming up.

If we are traveling long distances on the interstate you don't have to be right behind someone, know where your stops are, keep them in site but don't squeeze in when traffic is heavy. I've seen many try to get right behind the car they have been following. This can be dangerous.

The small radios are great to keep in touch. If you do not have a set of these radios please purchase before the trip and have extra batteries. WE have always used channel 10 since some do not have the sub channels. Some people have extras and will loan them out. I have 6 radios and I had to use someone elses since I left them at home the last trip.

Have a TRAVEL BUDDY we try not to leave anyone behind but sometimes people take off and we don't know where they are.

It is best to have groups no more than 20 cars. When we get into the 35+ cars it is impossible to keep everyone together. In the larger groups it is best to have leaders with smaller groups and be assigned to a leader and follow them. Just like timed races it is sometimes better to stage the departures in the smaller groups. In doing this we need people to step up to taking the lead. That means these leaders know where they are going, and need to volunteer to assist the group. We can stay together but as we get seperated you follow YOUR LEADER.

When a drivers meeting is announced someone from each car should be there and play attention and don't talk so the people around you can hear the instructions.

Yellow cars are the easiest to see from long distance. If one is in the rear or close to it makes it easier for the leader to see the end. One reason I run in the back, and everyone knows my car.

It is also hard to get thru interstate exchanges with large groups of car. We must be coutious of the other drivers too. (I have a CB and we really piss off the truckers sometimes.)

Fill your car up the night before or when the group stops for fuel. Once you are fueled and ready to go, be in your car and if you can, pull on a shoulder of the road line up ready to go.

Everyone needs potty breaks, when we stop, try to do your business and get back to the vehicle to be ready to leave, unless a time for departure is set and then BE BACK ready to leave on time. ROUTE PLANNERS, PLAN POTTY BREAKS!!!!!

Sometimes an unscheduled stop must occure. IF you need to stop if you know where the next stop is and can make it, let those know you will catch up.

When possible to double up DO IT. With a large group getting thru traffic lights it tuff. IF there are 2 or more lanes USE THEM.

Stay close to the car in front of you. Last car thru, intersection/exit ramp out of parking lot announce they are thru.

If there is someone BLOCKING so you can get out of parking lot, stop sign or light, DON"T STOP AND LOOK (we are risking out lives and cars so you don't have to stop) Known Blocker....Larry Mayes "WildCat"....Steve Clark....INPhil

If you have car trouble, let others know what your problem is, we take care of each other, but there is no need for everyone to stop, some of us travel with tools and supplies for minor roadside repairs. If there are car haulers in the group it has been know to unload a car and load the broken down car to get to where we are going or to get service.

If you plan on stops let the leader know you plan on pulling off and will catch the group, or the group may decide they all want to stop.

This is your vacation make the most of it.

When we stop for a meal there are usually more than one place, it is OK to split up and go to different ones, just watch your time and try and get back when they plan to depart, (just don't eat with Sue Mayes, it took forever for us to get our meals at TALL STACKS lunch stop)

DRIVE SAFE....we want everyone to enjoy themselves and get where they are going safely

Do you have good skills that would make you a good leader or the cleanup guy? You must pay attention to details on the route plan and try to keep everyone together. The CLEAN UP guy must be able to take the lead at any given time if they get left behind. VOLUNTEER PLEASE at your drivers meeting.

It was great to see the 96 cars we took from Pigeon Forge, TN to Ashville, NC but there were also some dangerous things that took place (me blocking a Tri Axle Dump truck for what seemed like 10 min., Phil about rearended blocking at the interstate exit) We have been lucky no one has been hit, shot or arrested. We need to use some common sense in TULSA and Woodward this year.

Larry & Sue Mayes

This message has been edited by WildCat on 03-16-2007 at 08:53 AM

TooHipCat WOW...sounds like you've done this before Larry!

Lots of good info here.


ed monahanOne other thing, if you are in a large group, don't lag 1/2 mile behind. If everyone left 1/2 mile it would be a 14 mile caravan for 28 cars. Try to accelerate and get moving quickly so the other folks behind you can keep up. Double up at all lights if there is room. Wildcat stated that fact but it needs to be repeated. It is okay to pass someone else. The main thing is to keep things moving.
I guess that was more than one other thing. lol
MIKE GATLINCatavan is a great way to get event fun started early. It is a blast traveling with so many friends and cars.

Larry covered a lot of ground in his post and Ed is absolutely right. Top of the list has to be; be gased up the night before and be ready to roll at the appointed time!

Don't miss the chance to meet up with a Catavan!

Marty UsherGreat post Larry

When traveling long distance on the interstates - the leaders should make "potty breaks" at Rest Stops. They are equipped to handle a volume of people. If you stop at a convenience store/gas station and you have a line of 10 people waiting for a one stall restroom you will there a LONG time.

MDProwlerGood points Larry.

I believe in the buddy system. Before leaving the drivers meeting everyone should choose a buddy. If your buddy has to stop, you stop. No one gets left alone.

Speeds. One of the worst situations is where the catavan is moving faster or at the same speed as the traffic around them. Cars cut in and create havoc. It is much safer to run about 5mph less then surrounding traffic. No one will want to be held up so they will just pass us up and that allows us to stay together as a group.

Stopping. One of the worst things I have seen happen is to stop a line of 20-30 cars because a few got caught at a traffic signal. If it's single lane we must keep moving, if it's two or more lanes then just slow down until the others will catch up. There have been too many close calls by stopping every time someone gets strung out. I personally will not stop on an interstate unless the car won't run.

If you have a GPS, use it.

I have been on some runs where it was just a free for all, white knuckle ride and truly that is not fun if you are unfamiliar with the area.

Let's be safe this year and have FUN!


TFischerLarry: Very well said! I thought I would also add - make sure that the leaders and cleanup person have given their cell phone numbers out to everyone. I had numerous calls on the road when I was doing cleanup in Texas from people that needed to get in with me or were having problems and their radios did not have enough distance to get through to us. That way you always have a number to get in touch with someone. Tami
rraiteGreat info Larry! this will be our first event and have been thinking about these issues. you have ansewered a lot of my questions! We just want to have fun and stay safe!

Thank You!

CJSo far, at Woodward, I've been pretty successful at keeping everyone together. There appears that I will have more than usual to deal with, so I've been contemplating how I am going to handle that this year.......for several instances, I am considering asking for police assistance on Woodward, which would be the safest.
ETMIDZTIf the Cops are there....We can't do Burn-Outs!!oh...........we can't anyway!!
kat hunterI'd like to add 1 thing.

When travelling on a 4 or more lane road be courteous and give faster traffic room to pass. We're are out vacationing or just for fun. Some people we encounter are driving to earn a living or to get to their job.

A lot of us give out the toy cars to promote goodwill and get kids interested in the cars. We give out a bad impression of ourselves when we give others the impression that we are better than them and they can wait on us.

I know at least of 1 time in Louisville this happened. And I'm sure the people this happens to go to work or home and instead of talking about all the prowlers they saw today they are talking about how a bunch of a$$holes in prowlers were holding up traffic.

As Larry said, We have been lucky no one has been hit, shot or arrested.

Back to your regularly scheduled programming.

This message has been edited by kat hunter on 03-15-2007 at 10:54 PM

Gary CAll great points Larry.

Also, when the last car makes it through an intersection and then a turn is coming up when the cars left at the light can no longer see where the turn was/is the LAST car has to stop at the turn to be able to show the cars left behind where the turn is.

The last car is extremely important to show the way.

Catching up can be the most fun for some of us as long the cars in the rear that are out of sight know where to go. the FRS radios dont have much range to transmit or receive instructions.

Also, the cheaper the FRS radio you are more likely not to hear or be understood when you almost out of range. You get what you pay for.

SnomanGreat topic and lots a great info!You guys that block traffic my hat comes off to you!It is very hard to keep a large group of any type togeather!We have done it with as many as 28 Snowmobiles in the woods .I was at the dells and LV and all I can say Thank you and Great Job to those in charge!!!!!!

Just a side note:
I just want to add 1 thing,Dont be the only custom painted car in a line of 5 Orange ones when doing 85+ mph on the freeway!They were trying to get me busted and AC was in the leed!

DublinOHI think you did an excellent job. Now we need to hold a few "training sessions" at these events so that we have enough leaders, cleanups, and blockers.

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