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Topic:Trailer tailight dislodged
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Ed W.We had the right tailight assemble drop off (with no damage, thank Goodness for the wiring harness) last week.
The trailer's build date is October of '97. It appears that the perimeter framework (that encompasses the light assembly) was "glued" on to the bottom side of the fender with an acqua-colored adhesive of some kind. Needless to say, it failed.
1) Has this happened to anyone else?
2) What is the recommended method of re-attanchment.
Ed & Carol Weichsler
TXTGALE (Michigan plate)
TLRandallI had the inside latch assembly from my 99 red trailer completely fall off. I reglued it with JB Weld and it seemed to work fine. I just need the Larry Lord kit now!. I noticed that some of the fiberglass work on the fenders is pretty thin. I am hoping the JB Weld will do ok on the fiberglass, but it has held up perfect so far. I did notice why the latch broke off in the first place - the strike plate mounted on the underside of the trunklid is mounted about 3/8 of an inch too far forward. I moved it back, drilled four new holes and remounted it. Now when I let the lid down, it locks on it's own without having to press down or slam it. Pretty nice.

2001 Mulholland Edition Prowler and Trailer
2004 Ford F-150 FX-4

This message has been edited by TLRandall on 08-19-2004 at 10:47 AM

ScottyI had a tail light fall out when I was bringing my trailer home. I used some epoxy that I got from a fiberglass boat repair shop.

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