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Forum:Technical Questions & Answers
Topic:Trailer out of shape.
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Dave HaggasJust need to know if Im alone in this.
Having had my trailer arrive in the uk, I noticed when I took off the bra a vertical dent right up front and very visable.When checking under the carpet It became apparent the left hand riser that has the left hinge on top has been poorly repaired but is cracked at the join to the forward side. Im a little upset at this as the guy I bought it from seemed a decent enough chap.No names will be mentioned.
Im hoping he just forgot to tell me or didnt know himself?

Anyway when the bra was removed and the lid closed the sides have bowed out whilst the front is pushed back.
My question is does anyone else have a similar issue ref the sides bowing out at the lid join? I am assuming not as mine could be the exception and was involved in a collision of some sort.
Is this normal? Having never seen another trailer in the flesh I really dont know.
I do know mine will need to have the hinge risers removed and rebonded whilst hoping to relieve the bowing at the sides.If this fails,I have bought a lemon I guess.
I have now learned to remove any bra from anything to check for issues.Prowler owner or not.

catfishif you could post some photos,may be able to help.hard to tell you what to do w/o seeing the damage.are you sure it wasnt damaged in transit.photos needed.


Originally posted by Dave Haggas:
I have now learned to remove any bra from anything to check for issues.Prowler owner or not.

DAVE... How many comments do you think you will receive about this statement. Anyway.. It sounds like a good idea to me. LOL

SORRY, I can't help with your trailer question. Good luck.

Dave HaggasJan,it was definatly not damaged in transit,hence repair had already been carried out.
Brad,remember no one likes a wise guy !!!
Tigercat Dave, I have none of the issues you question, mine is perfect in those areas, I have also looked at several other trailers in those areas and see nothing like you describe. I hope you can get it repaired because these trailers are so rare.
Good Luck.
I have two trailer's and can't seem to find what you describe I have seen where the lid is a poor fit & form in relation to the tub.

A few pics would help get you post across a little more clearly.


This message has been edited by toys on 10-11-2008 at 08:27 PM

phil2237The front of all the trailers that I have seen here in California including my own , all have an indentation in the center of the front panel, Mine was filled and finished when they painted it . I believe all that were made with that same mold will have this .
Dave HaggasHey guys,thanks for the responses from you all. Very much appreciated.
I stripped the trailer out completely for the re-paint so Im going to have to repair the trailer and hope I can get the shape back to where it should be. After all composite repairs are my trade,so at least I know what I can and cant do with it !
Just really annoying that it is like it is as it is now at the painters so I will have to call them and get them to hold fire as Im off to California on Tuesday for 2 weeks.
I wasnt told about the damage. My own fault as I didnt check as I trusted the guy from this forum. You learn I guess.

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