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Topic:Trailer lock needed
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
UK ProwlerFanI recently bought a trailer to go with my 2001 Orange. The previous owner broke the key off and had a locksmith remove it. Unfortunately, the whole mechanism was thrown away so I literally have nothing left of it.

Does anyone have a complete lock they can sell me please? Preferably with key(s), but I can buy new barrel if not. I am pretty desperate as I cannot use the trailer in safety without it.

I hope someone can help.

Mike (aka UK ProwlerFan)

Steve ConleyI was told that the trailer lock is a rear hatch lock for a Viper, this is why you can get the lock rekeyed to match the car. But I have no idea what year viper?? Maybe the dealer could help??
UK ProwlerFanThanks Steve. I wouldn't be at all surprised if that is correct. I'll give the dealer a try tomorrow.
Chi_Town_ProwlerThe possibility exists that you MIGHT STILL be able to get them from the Chrysler dealers. I was able to buy one last year about this time.
UK ProwlerFanI contacted the local (only!)Chrysler dealer and after trying to find the trailer it came clear that he can only see the accessories database for cars sold new in the UK as official mainstream imports, which excludes the Prowler.

Would some kind POA member in the States mind contacting their local dealer and trying to find out whether the complete lock is available? If it is, please could you let me have the part number and my dealer said he will then try to order it for me.

Again, all help appreciated.

Mike (UKPF)

UK ProwlerFanPicking up on Steve Conley's suggestion about the Viper hatch lock, I contacted a US dealer and they gave me part # 4778147 costing $44 for the body of the lock.

Is there anyone out there lucky enough to own or have access to both a Viper Coupe and a Prowler trailer, who can have a look to see if they are the same thing, or at least appear to be?

Fingers crossed!

BeWareSee this post from Dec 2006 that seems to confirm the trailer lock part number is 4778147 for the cylinder. I hope this helps.


This message has been edited by BeWare on 10-16-2009 at 08:59 AM


When you get the lock take it to a lock smith and have it reset to your Ignition/door key, therefore one key does it all. Bill

mdavidjensenI like having the keys the same but be sure to have a spare as I was on vacation and had the trailer keyed to the car and then the only key I had got stuck in the car Ignition and I couldn't get into the trailer.

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