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Forum:General Prowler Discussion
Topic:Toyoto Prowler ??
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Gort http://blog.titanmotorsports.com/?tag=2jz-prowler

Could be fast.

This message has been edited by Gort on 05-18-2013 at 07:33 PM

Welcome to Years ago............




This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 05-19-2013 at 08:24 AM

George JohnsonI'm surprised no one has tried dropping in the GM Grand National V6 in a Prowler if you're looking for some serious HP.
Me TimeI'm happy with the power in my stock 97'(eng), where are you going with all that HP?
catfishsomebody has more money than brains,putting a toyota in a mopar is a sin.


beachcata Mercedes engine would be more appropriate.
Marty UsherPeople have been full of putting engines from different makes in vehicles throughout the history of the hot rodding culture.

I don't get people bashing others that want something different whether it's more horsepower, another brand of car, etc. - why can't you just let people alone if they like something on their cars that you may not like?

Me Time
Originally posted by Marty Usher:
People have been full of putting engines from different makes in vehicles throughout the history of the hot rodding culture.

I don't get people bashing others that want something different whether it's more horsepower, another brand of car, etc. - why can't you just let people alone if they like something on their cars that you may not like?

It's like not agreeing with an opinion, if you don't like it why not just leave it alone?

Just making conversation, not bashing the person, just saying I don't think it's needed. It's my opinion and thoughts on the matter, I encourage you to voice your opinion of others opinions though, it makes for good conversation and debate.

Have at it.

catfishmopar in a mopar.


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