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Topic:Top Ten Autocrosser's at Smokies
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Laddie RousselWe had 44 drivers signed up for the autocross on Thursday. We actually ran five sessions. We completed two in the morning before the break for noon PTS group photo. We completed two more in the afternoon before the Dodge guys showed up with the Dodge Ram SRT/10 Viper Trucks to run the autocross course. They were letting the media guys test drive the trucks before the January release to the Public. These trucks will be built in Mexico at the Heavy Duty truck plant starting in November this year. They will be available to the public in January. These are some awesome trucks. They had four of the SRT/10 and two Ford Lightning's for the press to compare. There is no comparison. The SRT/10 is awesome...

Now, the Surprise. On Monday when I saw Herb at the stadium (I had met Herb on some of the CAAP tours of the Prowler & Viper plant) I asked if there was anyway we could get to test drive the new SRT/10 Viper trucks. He said we might be able to arrange something for a few. I said what about if I offer it for the "Top Ten" from the Prowler autocross. He said that sounded OK and wanted to pass it by his manager Dan (VP of SVO). Herb and Dan agreed but it would be limited to Ten and one lap around the autocross course... I was estactic....

I wanted to keep this as a Surprise. But, I couldn't keep it back. I did tell a few people early and made the general announcement to the whole group at Wed. Morning's Drivers meeting. A very special thanks to Herb and Dan for allowing us this opportunity. On Thursday morning, they wrecked one of the new Factory Vipers on the Tail of the Dragon. So, they could have said no and I would have understood. However, they value us as customers and both have been involved with the development of the Prowler. Again, a special thanks for this once in a lifetime opportunity...

The results of the autocross.

The Top Ten Men were all within 1.4 seconds of each other... And, the Top Three Ladies were all within .8 seconds of each other. We had a total of 44 drivers (seven Lady drivers and 37 men drivers)... It was a blast and only one incident where it appears a broken ball joint caused the problem...


1) Bob Goetz 48:946
2) Gary Cleverly 49:264
3) Wayne Finch 49:420
4) Brad Davis 49:560
5) Larry Lord 49:638
6) Scott McPherson 49:681
7) Bob Talbot 49:819
8) Damon Cyr 49:907
9) Ken Gensheimer 50:204
10) Laddie Roussel 50:310

Ladie's ...

1) Christy Wade 52.470
2) Brandi Yates 53:087
3) Marla Little 53:259

Our Host, Gary Lownsdale from the Southeast Healey Assn., ran my Yellow Prowler around the course twice in the morning to check it out and ran a 50.4 in Drive and than a 49.2 in autostick. Gary is an experienced autocrosser and the course was designed as a 49 to 50 second course. So, those are some good times for the Prowler owners...

At our Dinner Banquet on Thursday night, Gary presented the trophies and special awards.

1st Place Ladies ... Christy Wade ...

1st Place Men ... Bob Goetz ...

Special Awards ...

"Conehead" ... Duane Hanson - knocked over an entire row of the orange cones ...

"Drive it Like You Stole it" ... Larry Lord in the borrowed Red Prowler of George Carter ...

"Pokey Prowler" ... Betty Covey - slowest time of 70:556 but she did have the most improved time over the day...

The "Top Ten" getting ready for their turn in the SRT-10 Viper Truck... Larry Lord was missing from the photo - he was driving Lee's wife back to hotel. So, I invited Christy to join the Top Ten for the ride... Back Row: Bob Goetz, Scott McPherson, Ken Gensheimer, Damon Cyr & Bob Talbot. Front Row: Laddie Roussel, Christy Wade, Gary Cleverly, Stephen (Wayne's son), Brad Davies, Wayne Finch...

Olivier Aebersoly (from Switzerland) also drove in the course in another borrowed Prowler (not sure whose he used). He has to have some sort of record for driving more Prowlers at one event than any other owner... He drove at least six different Prowlers during the week (including Joe D.'s Paxton Supercharged Kat)...

I have all the official results provided by Gary & Paulette Lownsdale... I had lots of fun and wish I could have spent more time around that area in the morning but we had to get ready for the group photo...

You can check out all my photos in the scrapbook area: http://www.prowleronline.com/scrapbook/neweventview.php?id=317


This message has been edited by Laddie Roussel on 08-31-2003 at 08:19 AM

Mrs Cnote6Thank you so much Laddie and Bob for getting this together so we could have this opportunity. I had a blast and I would never had done it if Chris hadn't insisted on it (he had a lot of faith in me). I had only drivin the car 3 times for about a total of 3-5 miles in the 3 years that we have had the Prowler. I told him I changed my mind and didn't want to run it but he knew I could do it. I got that trophy sitting proud in our office, I should put Chris's little ones next to it..

Also had a great time driving the new SRT-10 truck.. even though I did stall out . At least I wasn't alone in that.

Thanks again for a great time.

Wayne FinchAwesome event Laddie. Thanks very much. I came to the autocross only to be a spectator but got my arm twisted to enter. Nerve racking but a total blast. I would definitely do this again (although maybe in someone else's car). For those who have never tried it, give it a shot. I thought I would just moderately cruise around the pylons hoping to stay on course and hopefully to at least keep my time under a minute. Well....then the adrenaline started flowing...

Just one more fabulous highlight from a great event

PS. How does Ed get in almost every picture....what was his time anyway.....and not the half-lap he did either

This message has been edited by Wayne Finch on 09-02-2003 at 02:20 PM

ALLEY CATLaddie - great event coverage and great photos

Thanks also for plugging the names under the photos as well.

Only complaint,,,,Ed's shiney head in most of the pics

Christy Wade - make sure you get your name engraved on that huge trophy, so Chris will not tell everyone he won it

Mrs Cnote6AC- I have already told him that I need to do that. Obviously I am not the only one on the board that knows him too well.


Marty UsherChristy - the engraving says Fastest FEMALE, so unless he has a sex change operation, nobody would believe him anyway!
RicksterLaddie, can you send me a copy of the results for everyone at the autocross? I may need to remind dad once in a while who had the best time.


Gary CThanks Laddie for the truck'n experience, something I will not forget.


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