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Topic:Too Loud with the Top Down??
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
RPLIf you've ever been touring in a convertible, you know that while the open air can be thrilling, it also leaves you with a greater sense of vulnerability. But sunburns and frizzy hair are only part of it; the turbulence battering your ears all day, combined with road noise, can actually lead to serious hearing loss.

Scientists at the St. Louis University School of Medicine and the Ear Institute of Texas have partnered to research the matter, in a paper called "Noise Exposure In Convertible Automombiles," and find that if you routinely drive at more than 55 mph in your convertible you might be subjecting your ears to unsafe noise levels.

The researchers aimed to quantify the noise that drivers are exposed to in a convertible with the top down, compared to with the top up, at 55, 65, and 75 mph.
Measuring five different vehicles—a 2009 Saturn Sky 2.0 Turbo, 2004 Nissan 350Z, 2001 Porsche 911 Carrera 4, 2005 Saab Aero Convertible, and 2005 Ford Mustang GT Convertible—the researchers found that each of these (in some cases) produced excessive (85 dB) noise levels, as set by the U.S. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

Of those vehicles tested, the '05 Saab Aero Convertible was the quietest, with a modest noise level of just 71.2 dB at either 55 mph or 65 mph. The 2001 Porsche 911 was the loudest, measuring 77.8 dB at 75 mph with the top up. With tops down, the results are quite different, with the Saturn Sky registering an ear-splitting 98.7 dB and the Nissan 350Z at 95.3 dB, both at 75 mph.

Even at just 55 mph, the Saturn Sky topped 91 dB. For reference, OSHA's daily permissible workplace levels include three hours at 97 dB or two hours at 100 dB.
"Drivers of convertible automobiles with the top open may experience noise levels of 104 dB or more at highway speeds," the authors sum. To compare, a loud rock concert is 110-120 db, and the threshold of pain about 125 dB.
An intensity change of 10 dB is roughly twice as loud, while 20 dB higher is about four times as loud. So, at highway speeds with the top down, the Saturn Sky was more than twice as loud than the Mustang GT or Saab Aero.

Earplugs not a smart solution. "We recommend that such drivers be advised to drive with the top closed when exceeding 85.3 km/h [53 mph], or to use noise reduction devices such as earplugs or noise-canceling headphones (taking into consideration the safety and legal concerns associated with these devices, if the driver is less aware of such roadway noise as car horns and emergency vehicle sirens)," conclude the researchers, who add that while occasional use under such levels isn't likely to cause hearing loss, more frequent driving is risky.

And playing the radio loudly with the top down could increase levels, they note. The researchers reported that for each measurement, the climate control system and radio were turned off, and the readings were taken in dry weather.
Surely, it's news that Thelma and Louise would have thrown to the wind. But if you're traveling longer distances in a convertible and want to preserve your hearing, close the top.

JeraneWNow I know why my ears are "ringing." I have driven converibles since the eary '40s (almost every year)and thought it was from the wife yelling at me.
Nick MNo kidding.
Tennessee CatCould you repeat that a little louder? I didn't quite catch all of it.

Between motorcycles, open cars, chain saws, construction equipment, factory machinery and guns, I'm screwed. I have had tenitus for 20 years.

Hairarchitectdo you think I can call an attorney and file against Chrysler ...lol
Gary ArcherI can see it now...Government Regulation...NO MORE CONVERTIBLES!!
Growing up in the 70's, this should be the least of my worries! LOL
BeWareThat could be one explantion for my partial hearing loss, besides old age that is.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 01-06-2011 at 11:41 AM

Marty Usher
Originally posted by Gary Archer:
I can see it now...Government Regulation...NO MORE CONVERTIBLES!!
Growing up in the 70's, this should be the least of my worries! LOL

And I always thought you were like me - I haven't figured out what I want to do when I grow up! That said, I have and always will love to drive convertibles!

ed monahanI blame mine on genetics and firing rifles in the army and later on the P.D.
There is so much B.S. these days I am kind of thankful I don't hear so well.
stevedymoHaving worn a hearing aid all my life, I could not stand the wind noise when driving with the top down. So I always did the cruises with top up. When the hard top came along, I got one so I wouldn't have to hear people yelling "PUT THE TOP DOWN". How ironic that this study comes out now.
Was I ahead of my time? No- I just want to preserve the little hearing that I have to last the rest of my life.

Good Research.

Steve D.

fibertopear plugs work.
Chi_Town_ProwlerWhy does it seem that EVERYTHING we start to enjoy is later found out to be BAD FOR US??!!!!
Something either gives you a disease or some other health problem. ITS ALWAYS SOMETHING!!!!

Can ANYTHING be fun anymore??!!!

WINDY CITY PROWLERi have been wearing earplugs for the past 7 years while driving the prowler cuts down on wind and road noise and i can still hear my music.
Originally posted by JeraneW:
Now I know why my ears are "ringing." I have driven converibles since the eary '40s (almost every year)and thought it was from the wife yelling at me.

I must have inherited the ringing in the ears from you along with other things like convertibles.
My first registered car was a convertible and many have followed. I currently own two convertibles.
I could do without the ringing in the ears though but would not give up my drop top in exchange for the silence.

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