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SirRealJust wanted to say thank you for the powerful 9/11 pics.

I didn't want to reply to your posts and mess up the order
that they're in.

druAgreed... powerful, heart wrenching pictures!
Landscape DoctorAgreed SirReal,,, great pics Tomcal.

If you have never been to the memorial in NY,,, put it on the top of your bucket list,,, my wife and I went 3 years ago. Going to go again this winter.

alrtgRemember....If you go, post photo's, or it didn't happen.

The East Coast Posse and friends visited this on October 8th 2011.

Freedom Tower

Additional photo's of our trip can be seen in the Prowler Event Photo's section for 2011

padrooWe visited the site on a seniors tour of NY City when all was there was a big hole in the ground.
ed monahanHow many folks were ever in the top of the World Trade Center? I was up there years ago and I don't like heights. The floor was about 3 steps higher than the windows. You stepped down to be against the windows. I could see just fine from the floor, I skipped the part about stepping down to get up to the glass. We were at the ECP event, also.
garysssI was up there back in the 90's. I was in Newark N.J. For a week training class for work. Some of local guys from my class had a van and took 10 of us on a tour of N.Y. City. World trade center, Brooklyn bridge, Wall st, waterfront, United nations, 5 th ave., Lincoln Tunnel. It was very nice of them to do that for us. The last Prowler event in New York, Cindy and I took a bus from the hotel on Sunday morning to downtown. We walked like 20 miles from Times Square to memorial, they weren't finish yet, but close.
Beachkat2We stopped in NYC on an Amtrak ride to RI to pick up a prowler I bought off eBay. The site was under construction and there was fear of flooding from a storm that would reach the ground zero site. There was a light snowfall and it was the night Obama was re-elected. Times Square was amazing!

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